TransLogistics News

British Business Unites for Lower Thames Crossing Consent

Businesses from across the UK have made a united call for the government to approve the Development Consent Order (DCO) for the Lower Thames Crossing which has been at the planning stage for over a decade. 73 organisations nationwide have sent a l…

Forth Green Freeport submits business case

Forth Green Freeport (FGF) in Scotland has submitted its Full Business Case (FBC) to the Scottish and UK governments.
This is a “major step” in the development process towards unlocking around £25m of seed funding capital to address the key underdevelo…

Budget Opportunity to Support Warehousing & Logistics

Autumn Budget Opportunity to Support Warehousing & Logistics Sector says UKWA
The UK Warehousing Association (UKWA) has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt Hon Rachel Reeves MP, ahead of next month’s Autumn Budget to highlight the im…

Erskine Bridge set to be closed for several weekends

On behalf of Transport Scotland[1], Amey will be carrying out essential cable inspections on the busy road.
According to the firm, the inspections are required every four years. Amey says the work on the bridge has now been extended due to ‘unavoidable…

RAC tells drivers to report breakdowns online, not by phone

The RAC is telling motorists to report breakdowns online, instead of making a phone call.Customers of the 127-year-old motor insurer are being told that they will receive faster service by reporting breakdowns through its website.An 85-year-old dr…