M6 closed as police race to scene after car flips over onto roof

One lane of the M6 has closed as police rushed to the scene after a car flipped over onto its roof. The crash caused significant delays on the motorway in Cheshire for traffic heading toward Lancashire. Traffic information site Inrix said: "One lane closed and queueing traffic due to accident on M6 Northbound from J18 A54 Middlewich Road (Middlewich / Holmes Chapel) to J19 A556 (Knutsford)."

"Collision M6 Northbound J18 to 19 at the exit slip for J19 Knutsford," North West Motorway Police said. "Vehicle overturned. Police just arriving at the scene now." An AA map showed lengthy delays around Knutsford.

Inrix continues to report heavy delays. The crash was first reported at about 2:20pm today. North West Motorway Police confirmed the incident on its X/Twitter[1] account.

The Mirror[2] has contacted the North West Ambulance Service for comment.


  1. ^ Twitter (www.mirror.co.uk)
  2. ^ Mirror (www.mirror.co.uk)