Plans for a BMW and Mini showroom at Junction 16 on the M4
If approved, the Moto Hospitality scheme would create a GBP30 million site equipped with 62 new HGV spaces, 241 car parking spaces, a petrol station, and associated food and drink facilities. Now, another planning application has been submitted to Wiltshire Council concerning 10 acres of land adjacent to this site.
The application reads: "Established in 1959, Dick Lovett operates car dealerships and car servicing facilities across the south west of England and South Wales with premises in Bristol, Swindon, Melksham and Cardiff. "They are the largest longest serving BMW partner in the UK which began in 1968. "Dick Lovett currently has a number of dealerships within Swindon and Wiltshire including at Frankland Road, just north of the same M4 junction as the site."
According to the plans, the motor manufacturing and selling industry is seeing a push towards "more green and sustainable locations located away from the traditional, legacy sites located in or around town centres". Dick Lovett Group has already made such moves to more "sustainable locations", with only the legacy sites for BMW, Mini and the associated Bodyshop remaining in the Wiltshire region. The application states: "The relocation from these remaining legacy sites will ensure the continued presence of Dick Lovett Group in the Wiltshire area both protecting existing jobs and enabling of the creation of new ones as the Motor Industry evolves.
"The development of this site will allow for the relocation of an existing Dick Lovett site in Swindon (comprising two separate car dealerships and a prep centre), freeing up that land for more appropriate development in a sustainable urban location." Overall, the proposed buildings would have a combined floorspace of 7,841.5sqm, with separate commercial buildings for car sales and a body shop for car repairs.
In other planning news, Wiltshire Council has refused a proposal for up to 20,000sqm of mixed commercial development on land off Braydon Lane, at Chelworth Industrial Estate outside Cricklade.
The plans were submitted by Bel Ombre Properties Ltd and the indicative site layout showed the potential for five industrial units. However, the case officer report noted that the assertion that the site is "located on a pre-existing industrial estate" is "not correct", as the field in question has never been part of the industrial area or the built area of the MOD site that preceded it. It was concluded that the application should be refused based on its location, the potential harm to the rural landscape character, the increased vehicle movements and flood risk.
Finally, Sutton Benger Rugby Football Club has received permission to put up six floodlights on the grounds behind the village hall. The lights will be up on six-metre-high metal poles and will replace the current lighting system which, according to the applicant, do not provide adequate lighting levels. The case officer report stated: "Due to the nature of the proposal, whilst it is inevitable the lights will be visible to a degree, particularly when illuminated at night, due to the intervening trees and buildings, plus separation distances, it is not considered there would be any harm to the amenity of any neighbours."
All Wiltshire planning applications can be seen on the planning and building control public register.
Artist's impression of the site. (Image: Pier Architects) Filed by Dick Lovett Companies Limited, the plans propose the construction of a car dealership and prep centre.