Oxford: Call for city’s traffic filter plans to be scrapped

Councillor Brighouse said the decision to install traffic filters[1] in 2022 had "timed out" because of delays to the reopening of Botley Road.
She added Labour would improve Oxford's LTNs, and called for the bollard on Crowell Road in Cowley to be removed because there was "not public support" for it.
Oxford needed a "fresh approach" on transport, she said, which included using the Citizens Assembly scheduled to begin next month, which would be representative of the city's residents.
She added Labour would "change the way decisions are made" if elected as the largest party on the County Council at local elections in May.
In response, councillor Gant said: "The traffic filters are intimately connected with delivering better bus services.
"Bus companies will run more services if they don't get stuck in congestion."
He added that while he welcomed the Citizens' Assembly, Councillor Brighouse was "pre-judging" what it might recommend and members of the Labour group were "all over the place".
"Nobody can vote for a Labour policy on transport because nobody knows what it is - including them," he said.
- ^ decision to install traffic filters (www.bbc.com)