Lorry crash victim was ‘paranoid’ after taking cocktail of cocaine and alcohol

A 'happy man with a big heart' became 'paranoid' after taking a cocktail of cocaine and alcohol and thought he was 'being watched by cameras'. Solomon Victory-Daly's behaviour was described as 'erratic' as he began walking between traffic on the A50 - before he was knocked down and killed by a lorry. Staffordshire[1] Police received numerous calls from motorists between 2.05am and 2.32am on May 11 last year, who said the 24-year-oldhad been running at cars and lying on the carriageway.

But before officers could close the A50, he was struck by a lorry near the Uttoxeter[2] McDonald's[3] roundabout. An inquest has now found Sol suffered fatal chest injuries and died from a 'road traffic collision, contributed to by drugs and alcohol'. According to StokeonTrentLive[4], medical tests revealed cocaine and alcohol in his system, which can have a psycho-active effect when combined.

READ MORE: Crash halts M6 as motorists warned of delays - updates[5] The hearing was told Sol had snorted a line of cocaine on the Saturday night, before he left the home in Chaffinch Drive, Uttoxeter, which he shared with his partner at 1.30am on May 11. Daniel Howe, the assistant coroner for North Staffordshire said: "Solomon started to display some paranoia before leaving the house.

He told his partner that he felt like he was being watched by cameras. He was under the influence of cocaine and alcohol, and it's not unusual to have paranoia when under the influence. "We know Solomon walked to the stretch of the A50 between two roundabouts, however the reason cannot be determined under the evidence I've received.

He was there from approximately 2.05am to 2.32am. He'd been showing erratic behaviour, walking up-and-down the stretch of the road and there were approaching vehicles." Mr Howe continued: "There was no indication that he intentionally harmed himself, and I do not find he intentionally ended his life.

I am satisfied given the description from his partner that the level of alcohol would've been higher in the evening, and that in combination with cocaine may have affected Solomon's cognitive abilities. The cocaine was not at a level that would result in death from toxicity, but it is high and I'm satisfied that it impacted his behaviour and thinking that evening. Given all the evidence I've heard, I find ingestion of cocaine and alcohol did contribute to his death.

"Solomon entered the A50 carriageway on foot under the influence of cocaine and alcohol. He showed erratic behaviour by walking the stretch of the road and approaching vehicles. He was lying on the carriageway and a HGV approached, slowing to around 20mph.

Solomon ran towards the side of the HGV trailer, resulting in fatal injuries, and he passed away at the scene. I find a narrative conclusion of a road traffic collision, contributed to by drugs and alcohol." A tribute from Solomon's partner read: "Sol was a happy person who loved everyone.

He had a big heart, he thought of others before himself, he made it clear how much he loved and cared for me every day." A statement issued by police on behalf of Solomon's family at the time of his death said: "Solomon, your loss has devastated us. We're reeling from the sudden void in our lives.

All who knew you are deeply affected. Son, brother, uncle, nephew, grandson, partner and friend. You'll always be loved, never forgotten.

Rest in peace."


  1. ^ Staffordshire (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  2. ^ Uttoxeter (www.stokesentinel.co.uk)
  3. ^ McDonald's (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  4. ^ StokeonTrentLive (www.stokesentinel.co.uk)
  5. ^ Crash halts M6 as motorists warned of delays - updates (www.birminghammail.co.uk)