New Homes Boroughbridge

What did we find out?

The Stray Ferret’s trip to Boroughbridge wasn’t a scientific survey but we gathered a sense of how people feel about new builds and how those living there are finding the area. Overall people love living at Milby Grange enjoy living in their houses. They also hold a fondness for both the estate and wider town.

There is often a feeling that people moving into new homes have no connection to the area, but we found this to be far from the truth. Many people had roots in the town and within the district. New estates are generally added onto the side of towns or villages and while this is the case in Boroughbridge the people who live there have formed their own community.

They also want to be more involved with the town and connected to it rather than detached from it.

We know there are certain strains on local services and some feelings of hostility towards those who move into the new homes.

Our next stop will be Pannal to find out if the people living at Jubilee Park have had similar experiences.