Dad-of-two sentenced after driving at over 150mph in police chase

On January 6 at around 2am, police noticed two cars[1] travelling at high speeds on the M60, Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court heard. Prosecutor Tara Riley said that an officer saw both cars were driving in tandem, overtaking one another at up to 95mph. The officer requested more patrols for assistance.

Sheilesh Gohil, 33, was driving a car which joined the M62 and drove at 105mph up to junction 21 for the Milnrow Interchange, exited and then re-joined to see if police were following him. Police activated emergency equipment, however Gohil drove away at 150mph, the court was told. Gohil then left the motorway at junction 25 for the Clifton Interchange and stopped the car.

But the court was told he refused to get out and attempted to ram an unmarked police car. However, police managed to get him under control, and he was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving, having no insurance and for possessing cannabis. The chase lasted for around 20 minutes in total.

Gohil, 33, of Kings Head Road in Mirfield, West Yorkshire, was sentenced on Tuesday, August 20 after pleading guilty to dangerous driving and possession of cannabis. Tom Farr, defending, said: "Gohil admits his driving was disgraceful and idiotic." He said that the reason he behaved this way was due to "being struck by a moment of paranoia after being followed but agree it's not an excuse".

Mr Farr said Gohil has a strong family unit and two children, aged eight and 11, and sees them regularly and he recognises he had put all this at risk. Judge Tina Landale said: "The speeds you were achieving were simply breathtakingly high. "It's only an act of true good fortune no one ended up on a mortuary slab that morning."

Gohil was sentenced to 16 months in which he will serve half in custody and the remainder on licence.

He also received a seven-day concurrent sentence for the possession of cannabis.

He has been disqualified from driving for three years and must not drive until he has passed an extended driving test.


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