Campaigners call for Lower Thames Crossing to be scrapped

Local Democracy ReporterLatest posts by Christine Sexton (see all[1])

Campaigners are pressing for the controversial GBP10billion Lower Thames Crossing to be ditched alongside other major road schemes to help fund public sector pay increases. It is feared the controversial project to link Kent with Essex via two new 2.5 mile tunnels under the Thames would worsen Thurrock’s[2] congestion problems. The Government this week announced more than a dozen road schemes across the country will be removed from the government’s road-building plans.

In addition all new smart motorway schemes will be halted. While the Lower Thames Crossing hasn’t been specifically mentioned, it is being designed as a smart motorway with no hard shoulder and technical control of lane use. The Thames Crossing Action Group has fought the crossing since it was first proposed.

A spokesman said: “We would prefer the project gets axed and greener rail-based alternatives actioned. The benefit to cost ratio for this project suggests for every GBP1 spent it would return as little at 48p. In the current fiscal situation can the UK afford to keep this project alive?

“By axing this project over half the UKs fiscal challenges could be removed in one fell swoop – GBP10bn for public sector pay or the Lower Thames Crossing? Why this wasn’t part of the Chancellor’s speech yesterday is disappointing. However, we still have the budget in October which may indicate an outcome the Thames Crossing Action Group have been fighting for.”

Thurrock Council has loudly voiced its opposition to the crossing it believes will tear a swathe through the heart of the borough. However, the administration has declined to comment on the Government’s direction on future road schemes. The action group spokesman added: “Twenty per cent of all vehicles that use the Dartford crossing are HGVs.

By removing most of these to rail and looking at alternate ways for local people to move about via public transport such as a Thames gateway tram, would be a far more effective.”Campaigners call for Lower Thames Crossing to be scrapped



  1. ^ see all (
  2. ^ Thurrock’s (