Love Island fans fume as Ronnie gives Jess ‘the worst apology ever’ for THAT awkward recoupling speech and call him ‘tactless’ by refusing to look at her and cracking straight …

By Milly Veitch For Mailonline[1]

Published: 22:23, 9 June 2024 | Updated: 02:04, 10 June 2024

Love Island fans have slammed Ronnie Vint for being 'unserious' and 'tactless' as he apologised to Jess White his awkward recoupling speech on Friday night, and then flirting with Harriett Blackmore straight after[2].

Sunday night's instalment saw Jess, 25, confront semi-professional footballer Ronnie, 27, after he said he wanted to get to know other girls in his 'cringe' speech.

He bluntly admitted that, despite being coupled up with Jess, he was open to see other girls - and was accused of using the moment to 'recouple his own girl'.

'I still want to get to know new people,' he admitted, with Jess visibly furious as she sat down beside him by the firepit.

She soon confronted him about his comments, saying he had 'embarrassed' her and had a lot of making up to do.

Love Island fans have slammed Ronnie Vint for being 'unserious' and 'tactless' as he apologised to Jess White his awkward recoupling speech on Friday night, and then flirting with Harriett Blackmore straight after Love Island fans have slammed Ronnie Vint for being 'unserious' and 'tactless' as he apologised to Jess White his awkward recoupling speech on Friday night, and then flirting with Harriett Blackmore straight after

Love Island fans have slammed Ronnie Vint for being 'unserious' and 'tactless' as he apologised to Jess White his awkward recoupling speech on Friday night, and then flirting with Harriett Blackmore straight after

Sunday night's instalment saw Jess, 25, confront semi-professional footballer Ronnie, 27, after he said he wanted to get to know other girls in his 'cringe' speech Sunday night's instalment saw Jess, 25, confront semi-professional footballer Ronnie, 27, after he said he wanted to get to know other girls in his 'cringe' speech

Sunday night's instalment saw Jess, 25, confront semi-professional footballer Ronnie, 27, after he said he wanted to get to know other girls in his 'cringe' speech

He bluntly admitted that, despite being coupled up with Jess, he was open to see other girls - and was accused of using the moment to 'recouple his own girl' He bluntly admitted that, despite being coupled up with Jess, he was open to see other girls - and was accused of using the moment to 'recouple his own girl'

He bluntly admitted that, despite being coupled up with Jess, he was open to see other girls - and was accused of using the moment to 'recouple his own girl'

Pulling him for a chat sat on the daybeds, she said: 'Poor choice of words, Ron. I don't think you said one nice thing about me. You don't need to go about it that way.'

Ronnie replied saying: 'I'm not great with words.

I want to apologise.'

But viewers couldn't help but notice that he failed to look at Jess once, instead staring into the distance and 'not paying attention'.

And Jess herself seemed unimpressed with the lacklustre apology, saying: 'Is that it?' before walking off.

And despite his apology, Ronnie showed he was still keen on getting to know Harriett as he took her for a chat.

He said: 'Everything I said was honest - it just came out wrong. I do think there is something there from when we've spoke. I do want to see what's happening with that.'

Harriett admitted she was interested after his speech, but told Ronnie that she didn't want to be in another love triangle.

Ronnie cheekily added: 'But maybe this time it will work out?'

She soon confronted him about his comments, saying he had 'embarrassed' her and had a lot of making up to do She soon confronted him about his comments, saying he had 'embarrassed' her and had a lot of making up to do

She soon confronted him about his comments, saying he had 'embarrassed' her and had a lot of making up to do

But viewers couldn't help but notice that he failed to look at Jess once, instead staring into the distance and 'not paying attention' But viewers couldn't help but notice that he failed to look at Jess once, instead staring into the distance and 'not paying attention'

But viewers couldn't help but notice that he failed to look at Jess once, instead staring into the distance and 'not paying attention'

And despite his apology, Ronnie showed he was still keen on getting to know Harriett as he took her for a chat And despite his apology, Ronnie showed he was still keen on getting to know Harriett as he took her for a chat

And despite his apology, Ronnie showed he was still keen on getting to know Harriett as he took her for a chat

Viewers took to social media to blast Ronnie, saying he needed 'tips on conflict resolution' after failing to make any eye contact with Jess and had only said sorry to wrap up the argument.

They wrote: 'ronnie is soo unserious, was the apology even genuine?

A face filled with lies; Ronnie is so icked out by Jess, he couldn't even bother to give her a decent apology; Why is Ronnie looking into the distance while apologising'.

'Fam is Ronnie okay? There's not one conversation where he's even paying attention to what anyone's saying; Ronnie just apologised to Jess so that the conversation can end. He doesn't care at all; why did ronnie not look at jess ONCE whilst apologising?''

'Ronnie is a sociopath I'm telling ya.

Why does he never look at someone when he's talking to them? And it's not a confidence thing because he's overconfident if anything; Ronnie couldn't even look her in the face while apologising'.

'Ronnie needs tips on conflict resolution because what was that?; why did ronnie not move in the slightest during that whole chat with Jess he didn't even LOOK AT HER; ronnie did not look at her once in that convo... what the heck'.

'ronnie was actually so weird for that. like no one in #loveisland history has ever mentioned being open in their recoupling speech and it's for a reason. he needs to take carry this L with pride; apologising without making contact ONCE. get this ronnie guy in the BIN'.

'ronnie is so tactless for that speech, good on jess for sticking up for herself let her cook!; Ronnie is just looking straight ahead no eye contact whatsoever so unserious PLSSS'.

'Is Ronnie on some meds. Why did he seem so checked out??; idk what ronnie was smoking with that speech of his; Ronnie's apology was about as genuine as his hair transplant'.

Viewers took to social media to blast Ronnie, saying he needed 'tips on conflict resolution' after failing to make any eye contact with Jess and had only said sorry to wrap up the argument Viewers took to social media to blast Ronnie, saying he needed 'tips on conflict resolution' after failing to make any eye contact with Jess and had only said sorry to wrap up the argument

Viewers took to social media to blast Ronnie, saying he needed 'tips on conflict resolution' after failing to make any eye contact with Jess and had only said sorry to wrap up the argument

It comes after Harriett, 24, has been called out by fans over her 'shady and chaotic' behaviour - after the star got into a heated row with Ciaran Davies on Friday, before sharing her feelings for Ronnie[3].

The two had a chat, where it seemed Ronnie was testing the waters to make sure his interested was matched.

'Now is it too soon to...,' he hesitated but Harriett promptly quipped: 'No.

I feel like that is just the clarification that I need.'

'Yeah obviously I just wanted to see what you are thinking,' continued Ronnie to which Harriett bluntly admitted: 'You know I fancy you.'

'You do?,' replied Ronnie to which she confirmed: 'You know I do.'

'Yeah like the sexual chemistry is crazy, isn't it?', he remarked and then added: 'The people I want to get to know is you and obviously Jess.'

But Ronnie's confession certainly raised eyebrows among fans of the ITV2 show, who claimed his interest towards Harriett was very 'sudden' and accused her of being behind another dramatic plot.

Earlier during the same episode, islanders Joey Essex, 33, and Harriett headed off to a secluded area of the villa to discuss her love triangle with Ciaran, and Nicole Samuel, 24. [4]

It comes after Harriett, 24, has been called out by fans over her 'shady and chaotic' behaviour - after the star got into a heated row with Ciaran Davies on Friday, before sharing her feelings for Ronnie It comes after Harriett, 24, has been called out by fans over her 'shady and chaotic' behaviour - after the star got into a heated row with Ciaran Davies on Friday, before sharing her feelings for Ronnie

It comes after Harriett, 24, has been called out by fans over her 'shady and chaotic' behaviour - after the star got into a heated row with Ciaran Davies on Friday, before sharing her feelings for Ronnie

Harriett didn't know where she stood with Ciaran so she opened up to Joey[5], and explained: 'He's the one who doesn't know what he wants. I don't really understand what to do to make his mind up - I don't know where his heads at.'

However, things quickly turned sour as Joey confessed to Harriett it's 'quite obvious he likes Nicole' and shockingly revealed when the boys were all in the bedroom Ciaran was 'chanting Nicole's name'.

Harriett proceeded to look shocked and said 'really?' to the star before Joey cheekily called over Ciaran to ask him who he likes more, Harriett or Nicole.

Harriet asked Ciaran: 'Did you say to the boys you like Nicole more?' to which he responded with 'yeah'.

All hell then broke loose as Harriett proceeded to kick off at the 21-year-old and viewers at home claimed the star was being overly dramatic and didn't have a 'tear in sight'.

But Ronnie's confession certainly raised eyebrows among fans of the ITV2 show, who claimed his interest towards Harriett was very 'sudden' and accused her of being behind another dramatic plot But Ronnie's confession certainly raised eyebrows among fans of the ITV2 show, who claimed his interest towards Harriett was very 'sudden' and accused her of being behind another dramatic plot

But Ronnie's confession certainly raised eyebrows among fans of the ITV2 show, who claimed his interest towards Harriett was very 'sudden' and accused her of being behind another dramatic plot


NAME: Mimii Ngulube

AGE: 24

FROM: Portsmouth

OCCUPATION: Mental Health Nurse

WHY LOVE ISLAND? The pool in Portsmouth is not giving. I've tried dating, speaking to people on social media and it just hasn't been successful.

Applying was a spontaneous thing, I didn't expect to get here!

WHAT WILL YOU BRING TO THE VILLA? My girls are my rocks and I'm theirs so I'll be a good friend as well as going in there to find a man. I like dressing up so I'll bring style, and I'd like to think I'm quite funny so I'll make people laugh. Bringing honesty as well - I'm good at picking up on people's personality traits and side-eyeing those who might be a liar.

NAME: Patsy Field

AGE: 29

FROM: Orpington

OCCUPATION: Office Administrator

WHAT DO YOU WANT THE ISLANDERS TO KNOW? I've got something very special about me which is my disability, it's a condition I was born with called Ebs Palsy.

It doesn't define who I am , but it makes me a little different, although I've learnt to get on with it and it's never held me back.

HOW WOULD FRIENDS/FAMILY DESCRIBE YOU? My friends would say that I'm the loudest person in the group, I'm the one who's always up for doing a dare, the life and soul of the party. My family would say that I'm bossy and that it's always my way or the highway, they'd say I rule the roost.

NAME: Sean Stone

AGE: 24

FROM: Hertford

OCCUPATION: Sweet Salesman

WHY LOVE ISLAND? I've always been one for relationships and when you have found someone you want to be with it's the best feeling. Now is the perfect time, the one thing that is missing is my soulmate.

HOW WOULD FRIENDS/FAMILY DESCRIBE YOU? Very loving, caring and thoughtful.

I'm the kind of guy that if you broke down on the motorway and needed your tyre changed, I'd be there at any time of night.

NAME: Harriett Blackmore

AGE: 24

FROM: Brighton

OCCUPATION: Dancer & Personal Shopper

WHAT WILL YOU BRING TO THE VILLA? I'll bring the entertainment for everyone in the Villa, whether that's making the girls laugh or making the boys turn their heads, I'm sure that I'll bring the drama.

CLAIM T0 FAME? Being a bit of an IT girl in Brighton, I've done personal shopping for the rapper Arrdee and one of my best friends is Saffron Barker the YouTuber.

NAME: Ayo Odukoya

AGE: 25

FROM: Canning Town


WHAT WILL YOU BRING TO THE VILLA? I think I'd bring excitement and joy. I think people would have someone to come to and talk to and feel comfortable being around or to have a laugh with. I think I'm somebody everyone would take to.

WHY SHOULD SOMEBODY DATE YOU? I feel like the way I carry myself is very respectful and I think people take to that and once you show who you are to somebody you get it back tenfold.

The way I am gives off a good enough energy for people to feel comfortable around me.

NAME: Samantha Kenny

AGE: 26

FROM: Liverpool

OCCUPATION: Makeup Artist

WHAT WILL YOU BRING TO THE VILLA? I think I will definitely bring some fire, I'm very opinionated and wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm really bubbly too so I'll definitely have a laugh as well as bringing some scouse glamour.WHY ARE YOU SINGLE? I don't get out enough, I work weekends and tend to not go out in Liverpool anymore. If I want a night out I go down to London as I love the boys down south.

Tall, dark and cockney is my type.

NAME: Munveer Jabbal

AGE: 30

FROM: Surbiton, Surrey

OCCUPATION: Recruitment Manager

WHY ARE YOU SINGLE? I haven't found the right girl, I'm quite picky and have high standards. Dating in London is horrible. You don't know who's single... but now you're putting me in a place where everyone's single so there's no issues around that. CLAIM T0 FAME? I'm mates with Spencer Morgan (Piers Morgan's son).

We met when I moved to Fulham in 2018.

NAME: Nicole Samuel

AGE: 24

FROM: Aberdare, Wales

OCCUPATION: Accounts Manager

WHY ARE YOU SINGLE? I've been enjoying single life and the attention of different boys, it's fun. I've enjoyed being able to go on holiday with the girls and not having to worry about someone back home. All the girls are there texting in their room and I'm out till 4 in the morning living my best life.

WHAT IS SOMETHING NOT MANY PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOU? I became a world champion dancer in 2011, not many people know that.

I was a professional street dancer.

NAME: Ronnie Vint

AGE: 27

FROM: South East London

OCCUPATION: Semi Professional Footballer

WHAT'S YOUR TYPE ON PAPER? I want someone that's family orientated, caring and career minded. Lookwise, I like blondes with nice boobs but am partial to a brunette too.

CLAIM T0 FAME? Bradley Dack is my best friend and he and Olivia are a big part of my life. I call Olivia my big little sister, she always looks out for me.

NAME: Jess White

AGE: 25

FROM: Stockport

OCCUPATION: Retail Manager

WHY ARE YOU SINGLE? I don't underestimate the fact that I'm hard work.

I know what I want and I'm not easily pleased. When you're a loud, outgoing woman, sometimes it can intimidate men - men don't always want that.

WHAT'S YOUR TYPE ON PAPER? I love a set of white Turkey teeth but a good set of Turkey teeth. I would say personality traits, you have to be family orientated.

You have to be tall, you can't be shorter than me, I can't be having to question whether I can wear heels around you and what height of heels I can wear. If you're vertically challenged, it's not for me.

NAME: Ciaran Davies

AGE: 21

FROM: Pencoed, South Wales


WHAT'S YOUR TYPE ON PAPER? Obviously looks but humour is a big thing for me, I'm a bit of a wind up so I want a girl who can give it back. Loyalty is another one for me, I think that's the most important thing to look for in a relationship.

CLAIM T0 FAME? When I was in Malia on a boys holiday I pretended to be Liam Reardon from series 7 to get into a club because they wouldn't let us in.

It worked and we ended up getting a private booth and free drinks all night.

NAME: Uma Jammeh

AGE: 23

FROM: Islington, north London

OCCUPATION: VIP host / model

WHY ARE YOU SINGLE? I feel like I've been so unlucky in love! It's all been underwhelming so far. I don't know what the reason is, I think it's them, as it can't be me!

CLAIM TO FAME? I was born in a closet in the hospital!

There were no rooms left, my poor Mum!

NAME: Joey Essex

AGE: 33

FROM: Chigwell, Essex

OCCUPATION: Reality star

CLAIM TO FAME? The Only Way Is Essex

FAMOUS EXES: Joey was in a relationship with fellow TOWIE star Sam Faiers from 2011 to 2014 with the pair getting engaged before they split.

He has also been spotted locking lips with former Love Island stars Ellie Brown and Maura Higgins.

He also dated his Dancing On Ice pro partner Vanessa Bauer.

NAME: Omar Nyame

AGE: 25

FROM: Croydon, London


WHY ARE YOU SINGLE? People always assume that I'm a player and a flirt but really and truly that's not me.

ITVLove Island[7][8]


  1. ^ Milly Veitch For Mailonline (
  2. ^ apologised to Jess White his awkward recoupling speech on Friday night, and then flirting with Harriett Blackmore straight after (
  3. ^ got into a heated row with Ciaran Davies on Friday, before sharing her feelings for Ronnie (
  4. ^ islanders Joey Essex, 33, and Harriett headed off to a secluded area of the villa to discuss her love triangle with Ciaran, and Nicole Samuel, 24. (
  5. ^ Joey (
  7. ^ ITV (
  8. ^ Love Island (