Exact motorway junctions families should avoid over bank holiday weekend amid gridlock warning

Twenty million journeys are expected to be made on the roads over the bank holiday weekend - with drivers being issued with gridlock warnings at several busy motorway junctions. Motoring experts have named the exact locations where traffic delays are expected to be worst over the weekend. More vehicles are expected to be on the roads than at any time since before Covid[1] as families make the most of the bank holiday weekend.

But with that is expected to come traffic jams in a number of areas and motorists might want to avoid them if they are to avoid a frustrating start to their getaway stuck sat in traffic. Today, Friday, the worst of the queues are expected to be on the M25 clockwise between J7 for the M23 and J21 for the M1. Delays of over an hour and a half are predicted during late afternoon, according to transport experts INRIX.

Win the ultimate CBeebies experience at Alton Towers Resort, including an overnight themed sleepover![3] Get breaking news on BirminghamLive WhatsApp[4] Then on Saturday, the worst delays are expected between 3pm and 6pm, with families advised to set off early.

The M5 southbound - a major holiday route - is likely to suffer major hold-ups with journeys on a 45-mile stretch between J16 north of Bristol and J25 for Taunton in Somerset expected to take over an hour longer than usual, INRIX said. Snarl ups are also anticipated on Saturday afternoon on the M25 anticlockwise towards the M23, the A14 eastbound towards the east coast, as well as on the M3 and A34 which will take a lot of traffic heading for the south coast. Bob Pishue, transportation analyst at INRIX, said: "With near record number of travellers expected to be on the roads over the holiday period, drivers should be prepared for long delays, especially in and around major cities and towards the coasts.

"The best general advice to anyone spending time away from home this weekend is to travel as early or as late in the day as possible to avoid the worst delays.

Travellers should stay up to date on traffic apps like myRAC and listen to local news stations to avoid sitting in traffic longer than necessary."


  1. ^ Covid (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  2. ^ Drivers issued with motorway update and told what they can't do this bank holiday weekend (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  3. ^ Win the ultimate CBeebies experience at Alton Towers Resort, including an overnight themed sleepover! (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  4. ^ BirminghamLive WhatsApp (chat.whatsapp.com)