Action proposed to prevent Winwick car boot sale parking chaos
Residents in Winwick have frequently raised concerns over cars parking in the area on car boot sale days, with the situation having been described as 'chaos'. The issue has also featured regularly in the Warrington Guardian's letters[1] page. One reader wrote: "Have you ever tried to get to Winwick on a Sunday when the car boot sale is on?
"Cars and people everywhere. For some unknown reason, people parking everywhere on B&Q to gain access to the field. "It is an accident waiting to happen.
I often find there is even a queue on the slip road from the motorway. It is just not acceptable for residents." Now, Warrington Borough Council has published a Road Traffic Regulation Act notice stating an intention to create a Winwick 'red route'.
This would be a clearway prohibiting vehicles from stopping or remaining at any time on the certain sections of road, including the verges and footways. The roads in question are the entire lengths of Delph Lane and the A49 Winwick Link Road, as well as the A49 Newton Road from its junction with the M62 at junction 9 to south east of its junction with Rectory Lane. As no operational period has been stated in the notice, it is believed that the clearway will be in operation 24/7.
Vehicles are permitted in the lay-bys and taxis are permitted in the bus stops already provided, the notice states. In a statement of reasons, the council said: "The adjacent primary route network and roads prior to and during the numerous car boot sales throughout the year, held on land accessed from Townfield Lane present a road safety concern. "This is as a result of vehicles parked on the A49 Newton Road grass verges and within the central reservation of the dual carriageway.
"Vehicles also park on Delph Lane within the carriageway and within the roundabout, which can prevent access into and out of the DIY superstore (B&Q) and adjacent drive-thru (Burger King). "The parked vehicles also result in pedestrians crossing the dual carriageway and emerging between stationary vehicles. "These actions increase the potential for pedestrians to be struck within the carriageway, collisions between vehicles changing lane, sudden braking or entering or leaving the central reservation or grassed verges at unsuitable locations."
Any representations, both in support or objecting to the proposals, must be in writing and delivered to: Legal Services, East Annexe, Town Hall, Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1UH.
They can also be emailed with full contact details to [email protected] by May 9, and all objections must specify the grounds on which they are made.