Fensicowles heritage farm complex can become riding stables
Ms A Squires has been given planning permission to change the use of an agricultural yard and buildings to form a commercial equestrian livery yard and create an outdoor riding 'menage'.
Blackburn with Darwen[1] Council has approved her scheme at the 17th Century Higher Whitehalgh Farm off Stockclough Lane, Feniscowles
The farmhouse and barn which are Grade II Listed are located to the south of the M65 motorway.
Ms Squired can now change of use of the existing yard and buildings to form a commercial equestrian livery yard and the erection of a 30 metre by 50 metre outdoor riding arena.
A report recommending approval with eight conditions by planner Christian Barton says: "The application site forms part of a farmstead to the south of Blackburn and within the Green Belt.
"The wider site comprises of a number of existing buildings that are in both equine and agricultural uses, which include a Grade II listed barn and farmhouse. The site is positioned off an unmade
private road.
"This application involves changing the use of an agricultural yard and buildings to form a commercial equestrian livery yard alongside the erection of an outdoor riding arena,
"Twelve stabling pens would be formed within the listed barn alongside storage areas and a tack room.
"Four smaller buildings would also be used for stabling. No external alterations are proposed to the existing buildings.
"The proposed riding arena would have a length of 50m and a width of 30m. Sand would be used as the surfacing material and it would be enclosed by new planting and a 1.5m high post and rail fence.
"Blackburn with Darwen's heritage advisor says he considers the proposal would meet the statutory test ‘to preserve’ and would cause no discernible harm to the significance of the Grade II Listed Barn, nor to the contribution made by the setting to the significance of the Grade II listed buildings.
"The applicant’s business[2] presently catering for 20 horses along with 'a number' of retirement horses.
"The applicant will provide circa 20 stables.
"A landscaping scheme has been submitted and new hedgerows would be planted along the southeast and southwest sides of the riding arena.
"Subject to appropriate conditions, the proposal would be acceptable in principle and terms of impacts on the green belt, design and landscape character, residential amenity, highways and parking and ecological considerations."