M6 closed after two in hospital following overturned milk tanker
The incident happened around 9am this morning when National Highways North West stated an HGV transporting milk overturned and flipped over the central reservation barrier.
This has caused 20,000 litres of milk to spill across both sides of the carriageway. A man and woman have been taken to hospital.
Lauren Daly, who was driving on the M6 at the time of the accident, said: "We were the third vehicle from the front but the tanker was already on its side when we stopped. More police cars arrived, two ambulances and a guy was put on a stretcher. Then fire engines came with stuff to soak up the milk.
"We were sat for an hour then got turned around in the middle of the motorway and came back down a slip road at junction 31."
According to the National Highways Twitter, which was updated an hour ago: "The M6 between J31 and J33 Preston remains CLOSED in both directions. Clear up works continue on the northbound carriageway following the milk tanker being righted.
"There are severe delays in both directions on M6, M55 eastbound and M61 northbound relating to this incident."