What a plank! Wooden top driver has car seized after timber tumble on M55 near Blackpool

A driver piled timber on the roof rack of his car and then set off along the M55 near Blackpool.

Six pieces blew off on the journey and were scattered across the carriageway, luckily avoiding other vehicles travelling along the motorway.

Car seized for insecure load (Image: Lancashire Road Police).Car seized for insecure load (Image: Lancashire Road Police). Car seized for insecure load (Image: Lancashire Road Police).

Police called to the scene decided to book the motorist for travelling with an insecure load. But when they checked his credentials they discovered his driving licence had expired. So they seized the vehicle.

In a post on social media a spokesperson for Lancashire Road Police said: "Timber!' Driver's load fell into the carriageway on M55 in Blackpool causing potential danger to other road users

"Whilst being reported for insecure load was foun d to have an expired driving licence Driver reported for both offences and vehicle seized."