‘Noticeable change’ in Botley Road progress noted in crunch meeting
The rail infrastructure company closed Botley Road at the rail bridge in April 2023 as part of the scheme to revamp the station with a councillor in attendance stating there seems to be "noticeable change in the management" of the scheme. Work includes creating a new western entrance, replacing the rail bridge, including better access for pedestrians and cyclists, and providing a new platform to boost East West rail links, with the ultimate goal of connecting Oxford and Cambridge. READ MORE: New rail station platform delayed [1]
Earlier this month, it emerged the reopening of Botley Road by August 2026 is now the top priority for the scheme, which has gone over budget due to numerous delays. And no major work will be undertaken to make progress with the new platform and western entrance until Botley Road reopens. In January, when Lord Hendy visited Oxford to announce the August 2026 deadline for reopening the road, Network Rail managers pledged to give residents a monthly progress briefing.
About 40 residents gathered at the Kings Centre in Osney Mead on Wednesday night to hear the latest reports from Network Rail and Thames Water. A meeting taking place to discuss Botley Road (Image: Andy Ffrench) Residents were told that foundations for the new rail bridge are now in place, and Thames Water is close to concluding its work to lay new water mains pipes. The water company admitted a leaking valve close to Sainsbury's in Frideswide Square needed to be fixed but said its work was on schedule.
Jericho and Osney county councillor Susanna Pressel, who attended the meeting, pointed out that paving stones in the square had been damaged and needed replacing. But she added she was pleased that residents were being updated at the monthly meetings. Ms Pressel, also a city councillor, said: "Since the visit of the Rail Minister, Lord Hendy, in January, there has been a noticeable change in the management of the Network Rail project to add new train tracks and to replace the rail bridge over Botley Road.
"There are new people in charge who seem to be much more competent. "They are liaising regularly with local residents, local businesses and me. "They are clearly making progress and keeping us informed as to what they have done and the next steps."
(Image: Andy Ffrench) The councillor added: "Frideswide Square will quite soon be clear of roadworks. The Thames Water building site outside The One restaurant should be gone by early May, so that part of Botley Road will be able to reopen. "They are at last making some progress in their attempts to improve conditions at the main bus stop outside Frideswide church.
Finally, they are still discussing with the Treasury how local businesses can be compensated for their lost trade." Residents were also told that a new walkway for pedestrians and cyclists close to the rail bridge was expected to be in place by August. Ms Pressel added that some people were sceptical about the road being reopened by August 2026.
She pointed out that Thames Water was on schedule to complete its work by May. (Image: Andy Ffrench) "They will still need to divert the main sewer, but that shouldn't hold up Network Rail any further," she said. "That gives me hope that they will meet their target and Botley Road will reopen in August 2026 - a mere two years' late.
"They have arranged to stop all the trains in February, in order to demolish the existing bridge and install the new one. I'm keeping my fingers crossed." A Network Rail spokesman said: "With the foundations now installed for the new bridge and walkway on the station side of Botley Road, we have delivered the first major milestone of our revised programme.
"Thames Water's highly complex work to install the new water main is also making excellent progress. The new pipework has been installed and tested, so we are confident that this milestone will also be delivered on schedule. "Our attention now turns to the diversion of the sewer.
There is a lot of work still to deliver but we are on schedule for a new walkway to open in August 2025 and for Botley Road to reopen in August 2026."
- ^ READ MORE: New rail station platform delayed (www.oxfordmail.co.uk)