Crunch meeting set for future plans for road and rail in Wiltshire

The LTP sets out the council's objectives and plans for transport in the county from 2025 to 2038. The plan covers all areas of transport, including road safety, highway network management and enhancement, car parking, buses, rail, walking and wheeling, freight, and electric vehicles. Following a public consultation earlier this year, the LTP will face a full council vote on Tuesday, March 11.

READ MORE: Wiltshire Council accused of "gaslighting" on local transport plan[1] The latest full council meeting in Trowbridge County Hall.The latest full council meeting in Trowbridge County Hall. (Image: Jessica Moriarty) According to the council, it will also go back through cabinet the week before, on Tuesday, March 4. Whilst facing scrutiny at a recent environment select committee meeting, the chair of Wiltshire Climate Alliance, Andrew Nicholson, accused the council of "gaslighting" through the plan.

He claimed that Wiltshire was "abandoning" its plans to include transport in the effort towards carbon neutrality, which cabinet member for transport, Cllr Tamara Reay, strongly refuted. She argued that she was "confident" that the LTP was "the very best" the council could do faced with the "many challenges" of a rural county. Council leader Richard Clewer previously described finishing the LTP as one of the biggest challenges of 2024.

If approved, Cllr Clewer said it would be the "strategic framework" around which future funding will be built.


  1. ^ READ MORE: Wiltshire Council accused of "gaslighting" on local transport plan (