Biker in hospital after colliding with lorry on village high street

A motorcyclist has been taken to hospital after colliding with a lorry in a village. The incident happened on A257 Littlebourne High Street at about 10.40am today.

The crash happened on the A257 Littlebourne High Street. Picture: Google The crash happened on the A257 Littlebourne High Street. Picture: Google

Police and paramedics were in attendance and the biker was taken to hospital. It is understood their injuries are not life-threatening.

A police spokesman said: "We were called to a report of a collision between a motorbike and a lorry in Littlebourne High Street at 10.40am today.

"Officers attended along with the ambulance service and the motorcyclist was taken to hospital."

Traffic information site Inrix reported slow traffic at the time of the collision but suggests the road is now clear.