Statistics Explained

In 2023, the highest cabotage penetration rate among the EU countries was recorded in Germany (10.5%), followed by Austria (9.9%), Luxembourg (9.8%) and Belgium (8.9%). Together with France (7.4%), these were the only EU countries with a cabotage penetration rate above 7% in 2023. The cabotage penetration rate fell strongly in Luxembourg, by 6.6 percentage points (pp) from 16.4% in 2022.

In Estonia, the cabotage penetration rate fell by 2.6 pp to 1.9% in 2023, more than eliminating the rise of 2.4 pp recorded the previous year.

Lithuania registered a further decline in the cabotage penetration rate, in 2023 at 1.5%, it was 2.5 pp lower than in 2022, following a decline of 0.9 pp from 2021 to 2022. More ...[2][1]


  1. ^ Glossary:Percentage point (
  2. ^ Road freight transport statistics - cabotage (