Pioneering logistics partnership aims to create zero-emissions road freight network

Hydrogen project developer Countrywide Hydrogen, digital road freight provider Ofload, and pan-Australian transport company 7R Logistics have signed a Collaboration Agreement to introduce a zero-emissions logistics solution across the country. The new partnership is crucial in the effort to establish a sustainable nationwide road logistics network model, allowing hydrogen-powered trucking to become a scalable and viable solution across the nation’s key freight routes. As the road freight industry is a significant contributor to national emissions, the adoption of hydrogen-powered trucks is increasingly recognised as an imperative step towards decarbonisation.

This collaboration utilises the strengths and virtues of all its participants. Ofload’s advanced tech platform will connect shippers with freight carriers, while 7R will provide a hydrogen-powered, zero-emission transport solution. Countrywide will supply green hydrogen fuel along key transport routes, creating a new supply chain model replicable nationwide.

Countrywide Managing Director Geoffrey Drucker emphasised the sustainability of this model. “By bringing together the freight, road transport, and fuel supply sectors, we’re creating a scalable, zero-emission supply chain ecosystem primed to grow as more customers commit to sustainable transport solutions,” he said. Countrywide’s first green production is set to commence in Tasmania during the second half of 2026.

Countrywide’s HyWay plans are well advanced in the state, with South Australia and Victoria next to host. The partnership will focus on high-demand road freight routes, specifically Adelaide to Melbourne and within Tasmania ensuring that hydrogen production and refuelling infrastructure are strategically located to support seamless operations for hydrogen-powered trucks in these regions. Ofload CEO Geoffroy Henry commented further on the magnitude of the partnership across freight transport.

“We’re reshaping the future of freight transport in Australia. This partnership typifies our commitment to driving innovation and sustainability across the industry,” he said. Countrywide is collaborating with the Walkinshaw Automotive Group to deliver hydrogen fuel cell trucks to the Australian market.

Countrywide is also expected to announce another partnership with a global asset financier to provide specific financing solutions designed to overcome the higher upfront costs of hydrogen-powered vehicles compared to diesel trucks. The Collaboration Agreement follows the Senate’s passage of the climate-related financial disclosures Bill last month. The new legislation will require companies to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with Australia’s push towards a net zero target.

From this collaboration, Countrywide, Ofload and 7R are well-positioned to support these targets.

7R Logistics Manager Tim Jensen echoed this sentiment.

“By utilising hydrogen-powered trucks, we’re not only meeting the growing demand for sustainable transport but also setting a new standard for zero-emission logistics in Australia,” he said.

The Collaboration Agreement is a non-binding strategic framework, which is intended to be converted into definitive arrangements as Countrywide’s project develops.