Albanese strikes new road, rail deal with states but 50/50 funding split remains elusive

The Albanese government has quietly inked a fresh agreement with the states to pay for new rail and road projects worth tens of billions of dollars, but failed to secure its long desired 50/50 split on the burden of funding. The future of road and rail projects has been in doubt over the past two months with the previous National Partnership on Land Transport Infrastructure Projects expiring on June 30 and not being rolled over. Sources with knowledge of the negotiations said a disagreement over the Commonwealth's preference for funding nationally significant road projects move from a 80/20 funding split to 50/50 was a key sticking point, despite previous agreements being silent on the funding split.

Advertisement Advertisement The Commonwealth has now signed a new agreement with South Australia, ACT, Queensland and Victoria which - like previous agreements - doesn't mention an overall funding split.

The four other states and territories are yet to sign on to the deal.

While the agreement states that projects must demonstrate "alignment with the Commonwealth's Infrastructure Policy Statement", it makes clear that "project funding splits will be determined at the time of funding commitment".