Video of lamppost being flattened by lorry outside Devon pub

A lorry has been caught on video hitting a lamppost and knocking it down after getting stuck in a Plymouth[1] pub car park. The video captured by a local witness shows the large white lorry attempting to take a sharp corner and wiping out the streetlamp[2]. It happened at around 8.30pm on Monday, July 29.

The lorry also caused damage to hedges in The Jack Rabbit pub car park, in Bracken Lane, Plymouth, according to a witness, reports PlymouthLive[3]. The lamppost collision occurred close to the pub and the Plymouth Derriford Travelodge. In the video you can hear a witness gasping: “It’s knocked down the sign, and the lamppost.”

One person exclaimed: “Oh my God, no way!” Whilst another said: “Oh my God I can’t believe we just witnessed that. I got his reg number now.” The lamppost was left tilted at a 45-degree angle as the lorry drove past.

PlymouthLive understands that no one was injured in the collision and that it has not been reported to the police. We spoke to The Jack Rabbit pub. They said that they did not witness what happened and so declined to comment.

However, the nearby Travelodge downplayed the incident, saying: “There was no major crash.”


  1. ^ Plymouth (
  2. ^ large white lorry attempting to take a sharp corner and wiping out the streetlamp (
  3. ^ reports PlymouthLive (