Road freight activity increases marginally

A total of 165.2 million tonnes of goods were transported by road in the State, according to data released by the Central Statistics Office today.

In a quarterly and full year update the CSO said that in the last three months of 2023 a total of 37.1 million tonnes of goods were transported by road.

This compares 39.2 million tonnes on the same period the previous year.

Delivery of goods to road works or building sites accounted for the highest type of work done by road freight in the country at 39 per cent of the total number.

Meanwhile, the transport of food topped the list of categories that contributed the highest quantity of road activity during the year.

Ireland’s strongest trading partnership in 2023 was with the United Kingdom, while France was the most important EU member.

“The figures show a slight increase of 1 per cent in the tonnes of goods transported by road.

In 2023, a total of 165.2 million tonnes of goods were transported by road, which represented an increase of 1 per cent on the 2022 total, and an increase of 4 per cent when compared with 2019? said statistician at the transport division Damien Lenihan.

“The commodity groups that were contributing most to vehicle kilometres were foodstuffs and the miscellaneous category” he added.