Professional Recovery: Issue 397

In this issue

Welcome to the latest issue of Professional Recovery Magazine. We're delighted this issue to bring you our interview with Firstline Recovery, winner of our prize at this year's IVR AGM. Derek Firminger takes a look at this successful company and their plans for the future.

I've managed to get out of the office myself this month, with a visit to Roger Dyson headquarters to have a tour of their new CNC facilities. You can read my report on page 38. Following the success of PROFCon 24, Richard Goodard has more good news for the federation with the announcement of a new sponsor, DMN Rapid Logistics.

Some of you may already be aware of the services they provide to the industry, but we plan to include an interview with them in the next issue.

Plus, we have vehicle handovers from Boniface and J&J Conversions, and our regular news and features.

Enjoy the magazine!