Roadmap to climate-friendly land freight and buses in Europe

The report analysed “off the shelf” technologies and strategies (defined as low hanging fruit), such as improving fuel efficiency in diesel trucks or moving more freight into railways. In addition, it also assessed how we could move beyond “low hanging fruit” and fully decarbonise the road freight sector. For this we looked at technologies such as catenary-hybrid, battery electric, hydrogen and power to liquid.

All of this information was fed into T&E’s in-house transport model. The main conclusion of the study is that it is possible to decarbonise road freight and buses by 2050, both in the EU and in the Nordics. However, that would require a significant shift in policy and ambitious and early action to make it happen.

An update to the study analyses how T&E’s roadmap to climate-friendly land freight and buses would be impacted by electric tractor-trailer trucks.