Rail enthusiasts from as far away as Basildon joined locals at momento unveiling
Rail enthusiasts from as far away as Basildon joined locals at the unveiling of the 5th Wisbech to Upwell Tram Memento.
Despite the extremely cold December weather, rail enthusiasts from near and far joined local historian, Bill Smith, for the unveiling of the 5th Wisbech to Upwell Tram Memento – the last to be installed along the Norfolk section of the former tramway.
The building and planning of the memento structure had been led by March work experience student Harvey Davies of SDM Fabrication and he, together with his managing director, Richard Melton, had the honour of carrying out the unveiling at 11am on Saturday (30).
“When Bill first asked us to help with his ideas for delivering the Phase 2 Memento in Upwell , back in 2019, we were inspired by the opportunity to contribute to the recognition of the Tramway which, in our opinion, represented a piece of engineering which truly linked communities in the local area. “ said Richard.
“Involvement of our youngest team members in the 5th Memento has allowed them to develop a deeper understanding of ways in which engineering can truly benefit communities, it is often easy to lose sight of the purpose of the work we undertake and the Wisbech to Upwell Tram represents a great opportunity to understand the local impact of engineering and, through their work in developing and constructing the mementos, allows them to contribute their own engineering expertise in a tangible way which we hope will stand proud for many years to come.
“We are very grateful to Bill and his team for their efforts and the opportunity provided for our involvement and we are exceptionally proud of our apprentices’ work in delivering theses mementos.”
Also at the event was Brian Pearce, MBE of Railworld, Peterborough, “I first encountered the Tramway when riding my bicycle from Grimsby to London,” said Brian “ A wheel caught in the tracks at the point where the tram crossed over the A1101 at Elm - just outside of the former Blacksmith’s Arms pub – and I fell off – much to the amusement of those who were there for a drink” continued Brian.
“Since then I have continued to follow the history of the tramway alongside my voluntary work at the Railworld Wildlife Haven, which resulted in my being awarded an MBE 2018.”
James Self, Managing Director of Three Counties Miniature railways, whose father grew up near Wisbech just along from the Elm High Road, 5th Memento site, travelled specially from Basildon, Essex to bring along their latest project under construction to help mark the event – a replica GER Class G15 (LNER Y6) 0-4-0 unit - which were built by Great Eastern Railway (GER) and ran regularly on the original Wisbech to Upwell steam tramway.
“The holiday season and the awful weather may have prevented some people coming along today,” said Bill “but, once again, I am delighted to see not only local people but rail enthusiasts who have made a real effort to support this project.”
Phase 6, the final memento, will be located adjacent to the Old Elm High Road close to where the tram crossed the road to enter the Wisbech East Station and Goods Yard. Each memento is bespoke and illustrates the area in which it is located.
The project is a testament to the many people who have supported this internationally famous feature in the heart of Fenland. Images of the old steam tram evoke numerous memories for locals and visitors and have been an inspiration for many. We can be assured our heritage is being preserved for future generations to enjoy.
Fund raising for the final feature is ongoing and donations will be very much appreciated and if you would like to contribute they can be made via the Well Creek Trust and marked for the tram project, details can be found at www.wellcreektrust.org.uk - along with footage of previous phases.