Network Rail completes more work on Transpennine Route Upgrade
Throughout Christmas[1], engineers working on the Transpennine Route Upgrade[2] completed major improvements between Manchester[3], Huddersfield[4], Leeds[5] and York[6].
Included among the work carried out was:
- replacing points just outside of York;
- replacing and upgrading the track through Mirfield[7];
- decommissioning platform 2 at Mirfield Station;
- installing a new underpass at Huddersfield Station;
- carrying out extensive piling and electrification work on various sections of the route;
- testing signalling[8] and telecommunication equipment;
- replacing a bridge near Dore & Totley Station as part of the Hope Valley[9] Railway Upgrade.

When complete, the Transpennine Route Upgrade will result in:
- more frequent and faster trains between Manchester, Huddersfield, Leeds and York;
- more reliable journeys with trains that run on-time;
- upgraded stations to provide with passengers a better travel experience through improved accessibility[10];
- greener travel through a reduced carbon footprint and improved air quality;
- plans to remove over 1,000 lorries off the road each day through the government's Net Zero objectives.

Neil Holm, Managing Director for the Transpennine Route Upgrade said: Some fantastic work has taken place over the festive period in very tough weather conditions. I'm really proud of everyone who played their part to get the jobs over the line. These achievements allow us to continue with a number of major upgrades this year, continuing TRU's progress and bringing us closer to fast, greener and more reliable electric trains running between Manchester and York .

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