Desperate dog owner moves to Scotland to avoid new XL Bully ban in England and Wales
A desperate dog lover has moved to Scotland[1] to avoid the new ban on XL Bully[2] breeds in England and Wales[3].
Former lorry driver Daniel Ward, 53, from London, packed up his belongings and drove more than 450 miles and crossed the border with his eight-stone pet Legend because of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak[4] ban on American XL Bullies. After a spate of fatal attacks people won't be able to sell, breed or give away an XL Bully-type dog.
The law now requires owners to register their dogs[5], muzzle and neuter them, have third-party public liability insurance and obtain a Certificate of Exemption from the ban by February 1. Owners of dangerous dogs are sending them to Scotland[6] to avoid a ban that could see their pets put down.
Daniel, who rescued his dog Legend from a Sheffield shelter last Hogmanay, said: "His favourite thing is to play on the beach. He couldn't do that with the ban and I can't take him to the beach with a muzzle on. That's not fair, it's why we're moving.
"He was shot at, had his ears cut, had dogs set on him. It was horrible what they did to him, all just to make a bit of money. I'm sure my boy paid someone's mortgage during lockdown. I understand people who say these dogs are dangerous.
"They are, in the wrong hands. I always carry a muzzle, he's on a pinch collar and a long line at all times. You have to treat them properly and train them. People let their dogs lunge at people and think it's funny it's not. My dog weighs eight stone, I'm only nine stone. You can't take risks with dogs like this."

"If they ban in Scotland, I'll move. It's a disgrace these poor dogs will be put to sleep and politicians don't give a monkey's. When I chat with folks, we start from a distance and gradually move closer so they don't get scared and neither does Legend. When I first got him, he was terrified of everything."
Daniel's love for dogs made him homeless when he couldn't find a house because he wouldn't give up his previous Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Storm. He added: "I've had to give up my HGV licence, I have emphysema, COPD and a heart problem so rely on disability benefit. I just want to be with my dog and the only way is by living in our motorhome."
The Scottish Government previously said it didn't think banning the XL Bully[8] breed would stop attacks that have happened down south. A spokesperson mentioned: "Scotland has a dog control notice regime unique in the UK and focused on preventing dog attacks from happening in the first place."
* An AI tool was used to add an extra layer to the editing process for this story. You can report any errors to [email protected][9]
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