WATCH: Fin whale cruise through Uyeasound

Fin whale swimming through Uyeasound in Unst. Photo: Marcus Priest
The second largest animal in the world appeared close in-shore at Uyesound in Unst this morning (Saturday).
Fin whales which are considered to be an endangered species and are second only to the blue whale in size typically ranging from 75 to 85 feet in length.
This sighting was a treat for those on the scene as these whales are normally found in deep offshore waters.
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Shetland Wildlife’s Hugh Harrop said: “Fin whales are normally found to the west of Shetland off the continental shelf but inshore records are rare.
“One stranded off Noss in 2016, but there have been live sightings off Bressay in March 2021 and in Bluemull in August 2021.”