Lorry and taxi involved in crash near Cambridge bridge

Only minor injuries were sustained after a crash involving a lorry and a taxi in Cambridge.



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The crash happened in Coldham’s Lane near Barnwell Road and a railway bridge.

Photos of the damage following a crash in Coldham’s Lane, Cambridge. IMAGE: Policing Cambridge

Photos of the damage following a crash in Coldham’s Lane, Cambridge. IMAGE: Policing Cambridge

Photos of the damage following a crash in Coldham’s Lane, Cambridge. IMAGE: Policing Cambridge

Photos of the damage following a crash in Coldham’s Lane, Cambridge. IMAGE: Policing Cambridge

“Fortunately, those involved only suffered minor injuries,” said a spokesperson for Cambridge police.

25 firearms found at Littleport home of registered sex offender Trending 25 firearms found at Littleport home of registered sex offender[1]

The incident happened after lunchtime on Monday and police said they were called at 2.18pm.

Photos of the damage following a crash in Coldham’s Lane, Cambridge. IMAGE: Policing Cambridge

Photos of the damage following a crash in Coldham’s Lane, Cambridge. IMAGE: Policing Cambridge

The road remained closed for a time and Greater Anglia interrupted services between Ipswich and Cambridge whilst checks were made to the bridge.

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  1. ^ 25 firearms found at Littleport home of registered sex offender (www.cambsnews.co.uk)
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