Historic monuments body Cadw should look to establish a Welsh school of heritage
The Welsh Government internal agency with responsibility for historic monuments, Cadw, should look to establish a Welsh heritage school while also undertaking a “radical” review of its commercial activities, according to a report by a task and finish group set up to review its governance arrangements.
The report from the independent group, chaired by Roger Lewis and commissioned last year by the Welsh Government’s Deputy Minister Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism, Dawn Bowden, makes a total of 29 recommendations. The findings will now be considered by the minister before reporting back early next year.
In its last financial year Cadw attracted more than 1.1 million to its staffed sites, with an estimated further one million to unstaffed sites. It generated £9.64m from its commercial activities, with a capital budget of £10m and £9m of revenue support from the Welsh Government - giving it a total budget of £28m. While highlighting that Cadw doesn’t exist to be a commercial operation, the report says its core purpose would be enhanced by seeking to grow visitor numbers and exploring other income streams.
It adds: “The senior executive team should undertake a complete, fundamental and radical root and branch review of all its commercial activities, including its staff skills, staff resource levels and relationships with external partners. Cadw does not exist to be a commercial operation and so any commercial activity must enhance and support its core purpose. This will allow Cadw to fully embrace the Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan, in particular its focus upon the foundational economy, with Cadw’s commercial activities.”
It says Cadw, through its activities, would also be better placed by prioritising the sourcing and selling of Welsh foods and produce and all manner of Welsh made products.
It also recommends that the heritage body reviews and/or reaffirm its short to long-term commercial strategy to ensure that its potential to further grow its visitor business, and all other income streams, is fully developed. The report also recommends, at a senior executive level, a newly created role of head of visitor experience and business development, who would be responsible for overseeing any commercial review.
Arguably the group’s most innovative recommendation is that Cadw explores, with other like-minded Welsh heritage bodies, further education bodies and the private sector, the possibility of establishing a “Welsh School of Heritage and Conservation Skills and Craft Excellence.” It said this could be achieved through a partnership with a Wales-based education institution with the ability to award recognised qualifications. While the report doesn’t specify what type of institution, it would likely be achieved through partnership with a university. The school could have a particular focus on the use of traditional and low carbon materials.
The report highlights that the 22 local authorities in Wales also play a vital role in the sustainable management of the historic environment. While describing the current relationship between Cadw and local authorities as a close one, it recommends a new structured engagement arrangement is established, potentially via the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), in areas such as research, outreach and public education.
Cadw has a public membership of almost 60,000 and growing. The group said there is an opportunity for the senior management team to get a deeper understanding of how this “unique relationship” can be further developed and enhanced. The report adds: “The benefits of this relationship should not only continue to help inform the Cadw visitor experience but also provide a sounding board for Cadw and for the Welsh ministers in many aspects of the work of the wider historic environment and cultural sectors. The views and insights of Cadw members may result in possible governance discussions on how Cadw engages with the wider public."
Mr Lewis, a former chief executive of the WRU, said: “Cadw is, without doubt, a wonderful high-achieving organisation, which celebrates Welsh identity. It is staffed by wonderful people and deservedly is something for us all to cherish and be proud of.”
Ms Bowden said: “The review endorses the decision made in 2017 that Cadw is best served by remaining in government but identifies a number of recommendations that will enhance Cadw’s performance.
The recommendations range in scope and include several that are intended to help clarify the role of the Cadw board and the ways in which government procedures might be adapted to allow Cadw to operate even more effectively. Several recommendations make suggestions on how the ways in which Cadw works with its partners can be reinforced and others consider how some of Cadw’s wide-ranging activities can be enhanced to assist its core purpose.
I will take time to consider the report in detail and respond to the recommendations before publishing a response in early 2024.