New road will ease congestion at Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone
Map showing the new road linking Amy Johnson Way (on the left) with Common Edge Road (on the right) (Cassidy & Ashton)
Landscaping, cycleways and footpaths are included in the scheme which will see the junction of School Road and Common Edge Road widened.
A new spine road will be built linking Common Edge Road with Amy Johnson Way with a two-way access into the business park.
There will also be a link road from the spine road to Jepson Way, and a link road from the spine road to the northern boundary of the sports facilities car park.
Outline planning permission for the overall scheme was granted last October, with the latest documents setting out the finer details of the proposals.
A house at the corner of Common Edge Road and School Road will be demolished to enable the junction to be widened.
Architects Cassidy and Ashton, who have submitted the proposals, have also drawn up detailed landscaping plans, and dedicated pedestrian and cycle routes.
The new road will open up additional development plots on the enterprise zone enabling more businesses to move onto the site, as well as easing congestion.
Documents say: “The spine road will provide direct access to development plots which can be brought forward once it is constructed.
“The location and route of the road has been chosen as it will enable the provision of sufficiently sized employment sites to the north and south and can be supported by safe junctions onto the existing highways network.
“The new route will provide a shorter and more straight forward access to and from the area which as existing would need to be directed via Squires Gate Lane and Amy Johnson Way.”
Funding towards the infrastructure includes £7.5m from Blackpool’s £39.5m Town Deal.