Drivers voice concerns over ‘one-way system’ at Taplow Approach …

Drivers have voiced complaints about traffic and parking issues in the Approach Road near Taplow station.

Road users shared concerns on social media, describing how the road had become a ‘one-way system’ due to parked cars.

Taplow parish councillor Roger Worthington and committee member of Taplow and Hitcham Society said: “The pressure on the station has got larger and larger and really bad in the last 18 months.”

He attributed the worsening problem to a new housing estate on the south side of Beaconsfield that has produced more cars.

He added that, with Beaconsfield being a 10-minute drive from Taplow, which is on the Elizabeth line, it has become a preferred travel option over the Chiltern Rail service to London Marylebone.

“There are two pressures – one, a lot more housing and two, the Elizabeth line producing a lot more demand on the station. That’s what’s increased dramatically,” he said.

Buckinghamshire County Council devised a yellow lines and parking bay plan for all streets around the station which was withdrawn due to COVID three years ago, but Cllr Worthington said they are now in the ‘latter stages of coming back with a new plan’.

“That’s the council’s intention but it’s taking them forever to deliver it back to us,” he said.

He suspects the old and new plan will be substantially similar but due to the consultation and legal processes after the plan is published, it will ‘take quite some time to get a solution on the ground’.

Cllr Worthington said the station car parks are underused and ‘as long as people are free to park around the station, it will stay underused’.

Taplow Parish Council met TfL about making ‘better use’ of parking at Taplow station, but due to COVID-related revenue losses, ‘how soon they’ll get around to doing that is not clear’.

However, TfL is in talks with Network Rail to remove old portacabins in the south side of Taplow station car park to open a potential parking space.

“No one’s going to use that, of course, while you can still park for free on Approach Road,” he added.

“So those improvements will only be useful after the parking scheme from the council comes in and forces people to use the car parks. The whole solution is waiting on the council parking plan to go forward.”

Steven Broadbent, Buckinghamshire Council’s cabinet member for transport said: “We are aware of traffic and parking issues around Taplow station and are considering potential solutions including possible parking restrictions and changes to traffic flow.

“The aim is to bring forward a plan in consultation with residents and local councillors with timeframes to be confirmed.”

When asked whether Maidenhead residents are also opting to drive to Taplow station for parking ease, he said: “Maybe but I think it’s the gross growth of traffic and in particular the Beaconsfield side of traffic.

“If you look in Station Road, most of the cars are facing south which means they’ve come from the Beaconsfield area.”

He added: “It’s interesting that the new Vicus Way car park in Maidenhead is essentially empty – people aren’t prepared to pay yet to use that one.

“The excess parking in Approach Road could be accommodated at the station car park but the fact they can do it for free [on the roadside] is causing problems.

“I think there is more demand than can be catered for by street parking and station parking. Over a period of time, that will continue to grow. I think when they do, it’ll be used very quickly.

“In the mean time, in practical terms, if you use the A4 and Station Road, you can go in both directions without bottlenecking Approach Road. There is a work around in the short term.”