Welsh comedian says he suffered ‘upsetting’ antisemitic incident at …

Welsh comedian Bennett Arron has described an incident he endured at the Edinburgh Fringe which saw a comedy agent "scream" at him about Jews and antisemitism in front of his family. The Port Talbot-born comedian regularly talks about being Jewish both online and in his comedy.
After going with his family for a meal to celebrate "one of the best Fringes I'd ever had" with his stand-up show Loser, he was joined by a friend who asked if his agent could come along too. Arron told WalesOnline the agent soon started "shouting loudly" about how Jews "exaggerate antisemitism."
He recalled: "My friend mentioned something about Jeremy Corbyn - I hadn't said anything - and the agent just turned to me and started saying: 'Why do Jews exaggerate antisemitism?' This threw me because it came from nowhere, and I said ‘maybe this isn’t the time to have a conversation like this,’ because my family were there and we were out to celebrate.
"He kept on about it and I asked if he would speak to anybody else from another minority group the way he spoke to me. He said people from other minority groups had a justification for calling out racism."
Arron claims the agent then said "apropos of nothing" that Jews should "never have been given Israel," and got "louder and louder" as his client tried to calm him down. He added: "I told him it wasn't the time or place for this conversation as he was upsetting my family. [The agent] shouted ‘see, this is what they do’ - I assume he meant Jews rather than Welsh comedians.
"We got up and left - my family were upset and really just taken aback. I hadn't seen anything like it before and it did leave a sour taste at the end of what was a wonderful Fringe."
Arron's show was named in the Top Ten Jokes of the Fringe 2023 by TV channel Dave, and one of his one-liners was included in the Telegraph's 70 funniest jokes[2] of the festival. “I have had the odd heckle here and there," said Arron, "but nothing like this. I’ve never had somebody shouting at my face like this before. It was upsetting and shocking… there was so much anger that was built up and just came out."
Arron said he has spoken to friends who are clients of this agent, who he does not wish to name. He has no current plans to report the incident to police or other bodies.
- ^ Elderly woman robbed at knifepoint in Cardiff park in broad daylight (www.walesonline.co.uk)
- ^ 70 funniest jokes (www.telegraph.co.uk)