Village plans to buy ?120k speed camera to slow drivers between …

Motorists speeding through a quiet village between Chelmsford and Stansted Airport could be caught with an £120,000 average speed camera if funding is agreed. Councillors want money for an average speed camera in Ford End between Chelmsford and Dunmow – one of the busiest routes out of the city towards Stansted and beyond to the M11.
A motion in May was agreed that the Great Waltham parish council, that has Ford End in its area, would seek to secure a loan of around £50,000 to fund one-half of the costs of an average speed camera on the B1008 through Ford End village. Essex County Council would be expected to contribute around £60,000 and a request has been made to the local highways panel for funding.
The parish council, which operates a speed watch in the village, said in April that recent data recorded speeds up to 53mph from the Chelmsford direction through Ford End. It also added though “that the overwhelming majority of vehicles appear to ignore the speed limits”.
Ford End has been told that DfT would not contribute any funds to a speed camera because of its status as a priority one route and the amount of traffic. However, this may be reviewed when the Chelmsford Northeast bypass is eventually completed.
Essex County Council cabinet member for highways Councillor Lee Scott told the parish council in April: “in terms of any LHP match funding I believe it was always the case that the panel were waiting on Great Waltham Parish Council to arrange their part of the funding. The panel has to date not been informed that Great Waltham Parish Council has their match funding contribution available.”
A 40mph limit was introduced either side of the 30mph limit stretch in 2019 but persistent speeding as well as problems of heavy lorries and vehicles using the road as a preferred short cut between the A12 and Chelmsford and the M11 and Stansted Airport has led to ongoing problems.
Councillor Steve Gilbert, chairman of Great Waltham Parish Council, which has Ford End in its areas said: “We have been looking to get an average speed camera in Ford End for a number of years now and at the moment we are looking for opportunities to make that happen.
He added: “There are 40mph buffer zones at both ends of the village and a 30mph statutory through the village. But the last recordings I saw had a lot of drivers going through in excess of the mandatory speed limit.
"Our understanding is that because of the status of the road which is a priority one route that is the only traffic calming measure that would be entertained.”
- ^ Banned driver involved in Chelmsford pile-up that left man with serious injuries (