‘Tricky’ junctions most drivers in Liverpool do wrong
A driving instructor has lifted the lid on a number of notorious Liverpool junctions that most drivers do wrong.
Danny Smith, 43, who runs Danny's Driving School, became a driving instructor three years ago after being a delivery driver for years. He posts videos on Instagram and social media lifting the lid on abuse driving instructors and learners get while on the roads and also uploads top tips he has for learners taking their test in Liverpool.
On his driving instructor journey he has also come across a number of "tricky" and "feared" junctions in the city that people can get wrong.
Here's five Liverpool junctions and roundabouts people struggle with, according to Danny.

West Derby Road roundabout, Tuebrook
This roundabout has a priority change mid way through which catches people out. People can pull out on drivers traveling down from West Derby School as they don't see the give way sign or road markings.
Danny said: "The West Derby roundabout is a particularly tricky roundabout, not many people know how to do it to be honest. I get lots of questions on it.

"The main reason is in the middle of it, there's a priority change where you normally give way to the right - on this roundabout you don't and you have to give way in the middle of it. So people coming down West Derby Road they can sometimes stop because they think they have to give way to cars, and sometimes the cars pull out because they think they have right of way.
"It's a notoriously bad junction. one of my instructor friends actually got hit here."
Double roundabout Broadway, Norris Green

Danny described the double roundabout on Broadway in Norris Green as "the most feared roundabout in Liverpool". While on lessons with his pupils and driving around while he's not working he said lots of people tend to get this junction wrong due to high speeds and incorrect lane positioning.
He said: "What people do wrong with this is they get the lane position wrong, so they take the wrong lane position up on the right and will swipe off at the first exit [on the second roundabout]. Another thing people do is they get so quick on the approach and nobody really gives way to anybody.
"It creates a manic approach to it. Everyone's just trying to race through it, I think people know it from their [driving] lessons previously and they just try to get through it as quickly as they can.
"It does actually have a zebra crossing in the middle of it, which makes it even more dangerous."
Gradwell Street, Liverpool City Centre

Gradwell Street is a one way system just behind Hanover Street with double give way markings. This can draw into people into the left lane to turn right when they have to position right.
Danny said: "It can be dangerous if two cars are heading the same way in both lanes. A few of these situations can crop up on a driving test."
Childwall fiveways roundabout, Childwall

Danny said Childwall fiveways is another "feared" roundabout in the city due to how busy it can be. People tend to get this junction wrong after becoming impatient and entering the roundabout when there's not a safe opening.
Danny said: "This roundabout again is feared in Liverpool. Everyone knows it but again it's just super busy. You can almost not get out at times if you're properly giving way to the right.
"It's very difficult to get out, you have got to time your approach and almost time the car as it passes you, which creates chaos. Generally people just get bravado there and they just pull out in front of people.
"What you find though is that everybody just seems to blend in and nobody seems to bat an eyelid when this is happening, but taking a pupil there is really really tricky I think."
Queens Drive crossroads, Clubmoor

The Queens Drive and Townsend Road crossroads in Clubmoor is another tricky junction according to Danny. He said there's multiple ways to approach this junction, but it all depends on how other people are using the junction.
Danny said: "The main reason people get this wrong is that there's something called offside/nearside where you're doing a right turn and go behind the other car. Nearside is where you go in front and swipe in front of them. Now this road it can be either, there's no set routine on it.
"But what people tend to do wrong is they double up so one will go on the offside and another on the nearside and then when you're coming the opposite way you have nowhere to go then. So you always try and mimic what the other person is doing.
"Some people also just go in the middle so they don't pick an offside or a nearside and they end up second guessing it, which is quite awkward then."
Danny said he also had a pupil who failed their driving test at the junction due to getting stranded in the middle after taking a nearside position and struggling to see what traffic was coming.
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