‘Serious road safety concerns’ over plan to extend Helensburgh hotel
As previously reported in the Advertiser, the owners of the County Hotel asked Argyll and Bute Council last month for permission to convert the Curry Club takeaway on Old Luss Road to create additional bedroom accommodation.
Management said the alterations would help meet growing demand for hotel bed spaces in the town.
But local residents have raised serious concerns about the plans, with many claiming it would make the traffic situation in the area worse.
The documents state: “The proposed conversion of the existing hot food takeaway shall allow the County Hotel to realise the full potential of the hospitality business through increased capacity.”
But objectors have pointed out the hotel and takeaway are on a main walking route for pupils attending Hermitage Academy and Colgrain Primary School.
One objector, Lindsay Moffat, told the council that Old Luss Road and the surrounding streets are already very busy, and creating extra accommodation at the hotel would only make the situation worse.
She explained: “At present this area can be very dangerous with large delivery lorries and customer vehicles parked at the shops and on the pavement.
“During school term there is a significant increase in the amount of traffic and children walking as the area takes in Hermitage Academy and Colgrain Primary School.
“The intensification of vehicle use would represent a worsening of already poor visibility of manoeuvring vehicles and thus a worsening of road safety for vehicles and pedestrians.”
Patrick Kelly agreed with the road traffic issues, and said that crossing the roads in the area with a disability is already a challenge.
Mr Kelly said in his objection: “This busy road that brings Clyde Street onto Old Luss Road and South King Street is very congested, especially at peak times and during school start and finish times.
“I am disabled and find it difficult to cross the road at the best of times, and this alteration will cause more havoc with all the extra people and cars.”
Daniel Harkin added: “The site is located at a very busy road junction which is extremely busy and congested especially at peak times and is well noted for speeding.
“It is also a very busy school crossing area and due to the increase in footfall I believe that there could be the danger of a serious accident.”
The hotel says the additional rooms will have rooflights, and access will be via an escape staircase on the end of the building.
No objections to the plans have been lodged by Scottish Water or Network Rail, who were consulted as part of the application - the latter because the hotel is situated next to a railway bridge carrying the West Highland Line from Craigendoran to Helensburgh Upper.
To view the plans and submit comments, visit the council’s planning portal at argyll-bute.gov.uk[1] and search for the reference number 23/01288/PP.
- ^ argyll-bute.gov.uk (publicaccess.argyll-bute.gov.uk)