Recap: M32 in Bristol reopens after lorry overturns and spills loads …
Recovery complete but road to remain closed
National Highways said: "Recovery of the lorry is now complete but a large amount of stone and sand, which was being transported by the lorry, remains across the carriageway and needs to be cleared.
"The vehicles fuel tank was also ruptured during the incident, resulting in a large diesel spillage. Once clear up of the debris and diesel has taken place, the carriageway will need inspecting for any damage caused by the diesel spillage.
"At present there is no estimate for when the carriageway will reopen.
"To assist with traffic flow the M4 J19 westbound exit and a section of the J19 roundabout have been closed.
"Lane 3 (of 3) is also closed on the M32 northbound between J1 and M4 due to the debris from the collision.
"Gloucestershire Police are in attendance. National Highways Traffic Officers and National Highways Service Providers are on scene to assist with traffic management and clear up works."