Motorcyclist taken to hospital after serious crash in Watford

A motorcyclist was taken to hospital after a serious crash in Watford. The incident occurred on Wednesday (August 16) after Herts Police were notified at 12.08pm about a crash on Elton Way in Watford.

The crash involved a motorcyclist and one vehicle on the road in Watford[1]. The incident led to the emergency services to rush to the scene, including the East of England Ambulance Service and Herts Police.

A road closure was subsequently implemented while the emergency services dealt with the collision. A motorcyclist was taken to Watford General Hospital following the incident by the East of England Ambulance Service.

A spokesperson for Herts Police[2] said: "Police were called at around 12.08pm yesterday (Wednesday 16 August) following reports of a road traffic collision on Elton Way, Watford.

"Two vehicles were reportedly involved – a Honda motorbike and a Fiat. The motorcyclist was taken to hospital for treatment, and the vehicle was recovered by 2.10pm."

A spokesperson for the East of England Ambulance Service said: "One ambulance and one ambulance officer vehicle was sent to Elton Way (A41) Watford yesterday afternoon following reports of a road traffic collision.

"One man was transported to Watford General Hospital for further assessment and care."


  1. ^ Watford (
  2. ^ Herts Police (
  3. ^ Special surprise for care home resident without next of kin on 70th birthday (