How the Fisherton Gateway works will effect the buses and car parks

The improvement works include widening pavements, introducing new street lighting, enhancing landscaping, improving street furniture and wayfinding, and introducing continuous footpaths at junctions to enhance pedestrian priority.

The work will be carried out in phases, and it is anticipated this phase will be completed around December 2023.

Here's what the works will mean for the bus services and car parks in the city centre. 

How will bus services be affected?

If you normally catch your bus from the bus stops near the clock tower, we suggest that you use the bus stops on New Canal instead which are a five-minute walk away. If you normally catch your bus near the Rail Station, you will need to walk to one of these bus stops on Devizes Road or Wilton Road which are a five-minute walk away.

  • Bus service R1 to Bemerton Heath will pick up at the bus stop at the bottom of Devizes Road, near Frys Fish & Chip Restaurant.
  • Bus services R3 & R8 to Wilton, service R10 to St. Peters Place, services 2 & 24 to Devizes/Warminster, services 25/26 to Tisbury/Mere and service 27 to Shaftesbury will pick up at the first bus stop on Wilton Road, near The Village public house.

Diversions will be along Castle Street and Churchill Way, however please note that buses that normally use Fisherton Street will run non-stop along those roads.

Read also: Salisbury Scouts headed to World Scout Jamboree in South Korea[2]

Salisbury city centre car parks

Wiltshire Council says it would encourage visitors to continue to follow the existing signed routes to enter/exit the car parks.

Entry/exit to Culver Street and the Old George Mall Car Parks are unaffected by the works in Fisherton Street.

The council added: "We recommend visitors should seek to enter/exit Central Car Park via the A36. However, should you choose to exit Central Car Park via Summerlock Approach you will need to turn left and follow the diversion signs (or existing directional signs where applicable) to leave via the city centre."

There are a number of alternative car parks in Salisbury which you can use.

For the full list of car parks in Salisbury go to

You can also use one of Salisbury’s five Park and Ride sites which are located on the main routes to the city. Salisbury Park & Ride:


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