Former Red Cross building could be knocked down for new house

There are plans to demolish the former British Red Cross hall in Tewkesbury[1] to make way for a new home. British Red Cross Society has submitted plans to Tewkesbury Borough Council to redevelop the site they own in Link Road, Tewkesbury.

Their scheme includes demolishing the existing single storey building to build a four bed two storey house. Consultants working on the proposals say they seek to replace an “unremarkable and redundant hall building” with a modern detached sustainable home[2] that has been "thoughtfully designed in direct response to its site".

“The new dwelling[3] would embody many of the sustainable design principles associated with modern housing construction; not only enhanced energy, water and building fabric thermal efficiencies but also a wide range of integral sustainable design decisions. Architecturally the proposals aim to provide a high quality contemporary residential dwelling with a resonance with the local vernacular style, especially in the consideration of the external materials.

“The proposed new dwelling will actively enhance its location and provide a positive contribution architecturally to the wider town context in which it is located.” Residents have until August 25 to comment on the proposals and can do so by searching for planning application 23/00627/FUL on the council’s planning portal[5].

Borough planners[6] are expected to consider the scheme by September 28.


  1. ^ Tewkesbury (
  2. ^ home (
  3. ^ dwelling (
  4. ^ Developers bid for homes near M5 in Gloucestershire as application submitted (
  5. ^ on the council’s planning portal (
  6. ^ Borough planners (