17/08/2023 – Council submits petition against HS2 Phase 2b second …

17 August 2023

Cheshire East Council has submitted its petition against the second additional provision to the HS2 Phase 2b Hybrid Bill – continuing to seek the best possible outcomes for the borough and its communities from the arrival of high-speed rail.

The second additional provision, which is known as AP2, is an amendment to the original Bill and was deposited in Parliament on 3 July.

On Tuesday (15 August), the council submitted its petition against AP2 – seeking changes to the proposals within it and to how Phase 2b of the scheme (Crewe to Manchester) is delivered and mitigated against.

The petition, which was developed following consultation with the council’s HS2 petition member reference group, local ward members and parish councils, calls for enhanced mitigation against the negative impacts of the HS2 scheme on the environment, landscape, ecology, and local transport network.

It follows the council’s petitions in August 2022 against the original Phase 2b hybrid bill and the first additional provision, AP1, and the package of assurances and commitments HS2 and central government provided the council with earlier this year.

Cllr Craig Browne 2023 webCouncillor Craig Browne, deputy leader of Cheshire East Council and chair of its highways and transport committee, said: “We have seen from our petitioning against the original Phase 2b Bill and AP1 how important the process is in ensuring that a better outcome is delivered for our communities.

“AP2 includes a number of changes that impact Cheshire East and through our latest petition, the council is seeking further assurances that provide enhanced mitigation to the scheme.

“These include further assurances to mitigate the impacts on the local highway network in areas such as Knutsford, Ashley and Rostherne.

“This could include providing new temporary roads for HS2 construction traffic instead of using local roads, road widening schemes and junction improvements.

“The council is also seeking assurances to ensure HS2 construction works do not result in journey times for pedestrians and cyclists being extended unreasonably because local footpaths have been diverted, as well as seeking support for the Bollin Valley Trail to provide an alternative active travel route in the area.”

Now that the petitioning period has ended, the council is waiting for further announcements about future select committee hearings after the summer – this is where the petitions will be heard – and will begin negotiations with HS2 shortly.

The hybrid bill and supporting documents can be found on the government’s website[1].


  1. ^ (external link) (www.gov.uk)