Woman waved large knife at children as she followed them through …

A woman waved a large kitchen knife at children in a Middlesbrough[1] park.

Annemarie Wood was spotted entering her home before emerging with a knife and walking to nearby Pallister Park[2]. The 49-year-old sat down on a bench near a group of children and when they left she began following them, Teesside Crown Court[3] heard.

Wood admitted affray and possession of a bladed article following the incident on May 17. Jon Harley, prosecuting, outlined how the youths became aware of the defendant carrying the knife and two used a stick to try and knock it from her hand.

"The defendant then took off her coat and began to goad the youths with the knife, waving it in their direction. Police were called by a member of the public," said Mr Harley.

Wood, of Henry Street, North Ormesby,[5] originally denied having a knife when interviewed by the police and said the youths were violent towards her. However, the incident was caught on CCTV.

Recorder Tony Kelbrick said he was aware of the defendant as he said: "She's a lady who has certain issues and certain problems." Wood, who appeared at court via video link from prison, was handed a 24 month community order.

She must carry out 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days as well as 120-day alcohol abstinence monitoring. Recorder Kelbrick told her: "My hope is it will reintroduce you back in to the world without alcohol and you will get used to not drinking and be more able to keep off it in the future and not commit silly and dangerous offences."

He ordered the forfeit and destruction of the knife used.


  1. ^ Middlesbrough (www.gazettelive.co.uk)
  2. ^ Pallister Park (www.gazettelive.co.uk)
  3. ^ Teesside Crown Court (www.gazettelive.co.uk)
  4. ^ Cockapoo Lola's stomach swells to 10 times size after getting paws on risky piece of veg (www.gazettelive.co.uk)
  5. ^ North Ormesby, (www.gazettelive.co.uk)