Week of night-time A1 closures near Grantham set for later this …

The closures are part of the Grantham Southern Relief Road project.
Below is a list of upcoming closures on the A1 near Grantham (subject to weather):
- Night-time closure of northbound A1 / Monday 17 July for up to five evenings, 8pm to 6am (bridge joint works and sections of resurfacing)
- Night-time southbound A1 lane closure and slip road closure / Monday 17 July for up to five evenings, 8pm to 6am
The northbound diversion route will be the A606 & A606 through Melton Mowbray.
The southbound diversion route for the slip road closures will be via B1174 / A52 / A607 / B1174, and vice versa.
For vehicles taller than 4.8m, or 16 feet, the diversion route will be via the B1174, A1, A606 and A607).
Karen Cassar, Assistant Director – Highways, said: “We always carry out tests to ensure newly-constructed structures and freshly-laid road surfacing meets the high standards we expect.
“Unfortunately, some of the bridge joints for the new A1 bridge, along with sections of surfacing on the A1, haven’t met the stringent quality requirements we specified in our designs.
“As a result, our contractor will be carrying out a week’s worth of works to rectify these minor issues as part of our contract with them.
“Carrying these works out now at the contractor’s expense will not only save the council money and time in the future, but it will prevent further disruption down the line and ensure that this section of new relief road is durable enough to deal with the high levels of traffic we expect it to see in the future.
“These works will inevitably cause some inconvenience, so I want to thank everyone in advance for bearing with us.”
The Grantham Southern Relief Road project is being led by Lincolnshire County Council and supported by South Kesteven District Council, Greater Lincolnshire LEP, Highways England, Department for Transport, Network Rail, Homes England and local businesses.
For the latest news on the Grantham Southern Relief Road, visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/gsrr[1].
- ^ www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/gsrr (www.lincolnshire.gov.uk)