Trowbridge roadworks set to cause traffic chaos for months
Both Trowbridge and Bradford on Avon are likely to be affected by upcoming and continuing roadworks this summer.
The council have announced that the B3105 New Terrace at Staverton will close from July 26 for nearly five months, reopening again on December 15, while Wessex Water carry out the installation of a new water main.
The closure will see the road, which provides an important alternative route between the two towns, shut from the junction with School Road to the turning onto the B3106.
There are fears the roadworks could add to existing congestion entering Trowbridge from Bradford on Avon along the A363, with the junction between Bradford Road and Stallard Street already a traffic hotspot.
Traffic entering Trowbridge from Bradford on Avon (Image: Trevor Porter)
With the alternative road linking the two towns shut for almost half a year, additional traffic on the A363 will be forced to meet motorists coming from Newtown and Frome as they enter Trowbridge.
The new works come after it was confirmed a road closure at St Margarets Street in Bradford on Avon would be extended until October.
The original closure order, which is to allow Network Rail to carry out bridge repairs over the railway line, ended on May 8.
But the council issued an extension for the works which will see the route remain shut until at least October 31.
Councillor Caroline Thomas, the cabinet member for transport, apologised for any inconvenience caused by the roadworks, but also insisted they were necessary to repair longstanding issues in the area.
The closure at St Margarets Street, Bradford on Avon (Image: Trevor Porter)
She said: “To enable Wessex Water to install a new water main and associated works in Staverton, we are granting a temporary closure for part of the B3105, from its junction with School Lane to its junction with the B3106.
“The closure will take place from July 26 until December 15, and both the closure and diversion routes will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.
“We apologise for any inconvenience caused by Wessex Water’s essential work which is being delivered to address longstanding issues in Staverton.
“Utilities companies have a legal right to maintain, repair, upgrade and expand their apparatus. As the Local Highway Authority, we work hard to coordinate works and minimise disruption for road users, while also accommodating utility companies’ needs to upgrade and maintain their systems.”