Man told police ‘see you later’ before chase near hospital

A furious driver told police "see you later" before running a red light and speeding off as other cars swerved to avoid him.

Mark Farrell, 33, led police on a high-speed chase near Alder Hey Children's Hospital at around 6pm on January 25 2023. He was caught on the police car's camera mounting kerbs and running red traffic lights as he reached speeds of around 60mph on 30 and 40mph roads.

He pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and assault at Liverpool Crown Court on July 21.

Prosecutor Christopher Hopkins told the court the incident had occurred shortly after Farrell had arranged to meet his ex-girlfriend to drop off their daughter, whom they shared custody of.

The pair had agreed to meet in a public place, but when the woman appeared she was accompanied by several family members, having just attended a funeral.

He said: "The defendant was abusive and aggressive to his ex when they met. It spilled out into a car park and there was a scuffle or fight between the defendant and a male family member. A woman took her phone out to film the defendant and he knocked the phone out of her hand, hitting her hand."

Police were called to the car park where they found Farrell's car parked directly behind his ex-girlfriend's, preventing her from leaving. A female officer attempted to talk to Farrell, but "he was short with her because she was female". He attempted to drive away in his car as a male officer approached him and told him: "You're not going anywhere."

Mr Hopkins said: "The defendant was to say 'see you later' and drive away with his wheels spinning."

Farrell drove at speed along East Prescot Road, mounting the pavement at the junction of Eaton Road and then turning "at high speed" onto Alder Road, by Alder Hey Children's Hospital. He U-turned at Queen's Drive and continued to drive recklessly, "swerving in and out of lanes to overtake other cars" and causing other drivers to suddenly brake.

Heading back onto East Prescot Road, police were ordered to stop their pursuit because it was too dangerous. Two days later, Farrell was arrested.

Julian Nutter, defending, said: "Thankfully there was no accident. This is someone of previous positive, good character. This was a wholly exceptional aberration in an otherwise blameless life."

He said Farrell, of Hanley Avenue, Litherland, was struggling with his mental health, and requested the case be adjourned while a medical report was prepared.

Judge Simon Killeen said: "Your behaviour that night was appalling and your driving is extremely serious, and at the moment, in the absence of further information I find it difficult to conclude how I can avoid sending you to prison, but I'm going to allow your legal team to gather further medical evidence."

He adjourned the case until September 18 2023, when Farrell will be sentenced.

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