Horse rider says drivers could cause ‘catastrophic’ consequences …

A horse rider has warned of the “catastrophic” consequences of drivers not slowing down when passing them. The rider had taken her horse for some light exercise when she encountered a few less-than-courteous drivers.

The Highway Code states that drivers should be careful of horse riders on the road but it seems not everybody is. Taking to a Shepshed[1] Facebook page, the rider warned that horses can become “spooked” by birds, litter on the road and “sometimes nothing” which could lead to both riders and drivers in a dangerous situation.

In an attempt to educate people, she wrote: “Hi drivers – as we all lead busy lives I just wanted to raise awareness! I took my horse out with another for a road hack on Sunday – Father’s Day[2] – to Shepshed brook past the windmill on the A512 to get some fitness training and whilst most drivers are/were courteous I just wanted to educate those that aren’t so much!

“Passing a horse and rider at 10mph safely adds 10 seconds to your journey, passing one at 50+mph is not acceptable nor is slowing to 30 then speeding off or accelerating when parallel or passing/stopping really close! If a horse spooks at a bird or crisp packet or nothing sometimes[4], it will be extremely fast and a 600kg animal hitting your car could result in catastrophic injuries to all parties.

“Please slow down and let’s care for each other even if we aren’t acquainted. I asked far more to slow down than I thanked today and I try to thank everyone and help by passing safely for us all. Thank you to those people that did slow down, wave and smile, have a super day.”

The Highway Code[5] says drivers should be “particularly careful” of horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles. The guidance states: “Always pass wide and slowly. When you see a horse on a road, you should slow down to a maximum of 10mph. Be patient, do not sound your horn or rev your engine. When safe to do so, pass wide and slow, allowing at least two metres of space.”


  1. ^ Shepshed (
  2. ^ Father’s Day (
  3. ^ Warning that fix for A5 ‘most bashed’ bridge will merge Hinckley and Nuneaton together (
  4. ^ horse spooks at a bird or crisp packet or nothing sometimes (
  5. ^ Highway Code (