New flats near key railway station scrapped after locals complain

Plans to build dozens of new flats near Taunton[1] railway station have been scrapped after more than 18 months of inactivity.

Crossman Acquisitions - which is part of the Crossman Group - applied in April 2020 to build 79 flats within the final vacant plot of the Firepool Lock site on the A3087 Trenchard Way, less than half a mile from the southern entrance to the railway station. The plans went out for public consultation in mid-2020, prompting the ire of local residents[2] - but as of October 2021, no decision on the site had been taken.

Somerset Council[3] has now confirmed the plans have been officially withdrawn - though the developer has not provided any reason for the proposals being scrapped. The triangular parcel of land is sandwiched between Trenchard Way, the railway line and Cunningham Court, which also provides access to the adjoining flats.

The site lies within walking distance of the new multi-storey car park[5] serving the railway station and the new access road into the Firepool regeneration site, which is currently under construction[6]. The flats would have been arranged over eight storeys, with 38 car parking spaces and 80 cycle spaces being provided on site.

A spokesman for ECE Westworks (representing the applicant) said: "The proposal has the potential to enhance the character and appearance of a prominent gateway site entering the town via rail, with a well-designed building capable of making a positive urban design contribution to the Firepool Lock regeneration area. The resulting scheme will be a vast improvement to the appearance of the site and neighbouring urban form."

The plans were scathingly criticised by the Lock House Residents’ Association, which represents the residents of the retirement community directly opposite the Firepool Lock site. Chairman Ronald Beacham said: "The proposed property at eight storeys is too high; it impacts on the landscape and character of the area, because such a tall development is not in keeping with or sympathetic to the neighbourhood and surrounding properties.

"The Digital Innovation Centre[7] is a four-storey building fronting Trenchard Way, which is very much in keeping with the existing properties. This proposal would dwarf all its neighbours and would distract from the distinctive character and attractiveness of Taunton[8]’s skyline.

"It would not enhance Taunton’s garden town vision or the appearance of the town to visitors, especially when arriving by train." Mike Ginger from the Taunton Area Cycling[9] Campaign (TACC), was also critical of the proposals.

Mr Ginger, who lives on Cheddon Road, said: "The developer's travel plan is formulaic and does not provide any real incentives for sustainable travel. Incentives should include free cycle training, loan bikes, pool e-bikes, vouchers towards rail season tickets and so on.

"There also needs to be a contingency to allow cycle parking to be expanded when usage reaches 80 per cent. It is not clear if the cycle parking will be fully enclosed with its own access security within the basement car park."

While the plans have been withdrawn, the site remains in the ownership of the Crossman Group - meaning that a revised proposal for flats on the site could be brought forward at a later date. In addition to the Firepool Lock site, the Crossman Group is currently seeking to develop two other sites in Somerset[10].

Somerset Council's planning committee south (which makes decisions on major applications in the former South Somerset area[11]) will meet on Tuesday evening (May 23) to make a decision on plans for 95 homes on the B3167 Perry Street[12] in South Chard[13], near the Dorset[14] border. A decision on separate plans for 27 homes on the B3151 Northload Bridge[15] in Glastonbury[16] is expected to be taken later in the summer.


  1. ^ Taunton (
  2. ^ prompting the ire of local residents (
  3. ^ Somerset Council (
  4. ^ Met Office weather: Heat blast to "last three weeks" as experts give exact dates (
  5. ^ the new multi-storey car park (
  6. ^ the new access road into the Firepool regeneration site, which is currently under construction (
  7. ^ The Digital Innovation Centre (
  8. ^ Taunton (
  9. ^ Cycling (
  10. ^ Somerset (
  11. ^ the former South Somerset area (
  12. ^ plans for 95 homes on the B3167 Perry Street (
  13. ^ Chard (
  14. ^ Dorset (
  15. ^ plans for 27 homes on the B3151 Northload Bridge (
  16. ^ Glastonbury (