Green light given for 20mph scheme in Cambridgeshire village

Plans for a new 20mph zone to be implemented in Stilton, Cambridgeshire[1], were given the green light when Cambridgeshire County Council[2] met on Wednesday last week (May 17).

The meeting discussed objections to the proposed 20mph zone in the village of Stilton, as well as the proposed 40mph buffer zone on the village’s western approach. After reviewing all the details of the consultation process and objections, the Local Member and Acting Traffic Manager decided the scheme should go ahead.

The reasons given for granting the scheme approval was that introduction of 20mph zones could improve road safety and air quality, whilst encouraging a "modal shift" to encourage walking and cycling.

Another reason given was that the reduced speed limit would limit the likelihood of accidents occurring and if they did happen to "lessen" their impact.

Whilst it was acknowledged traffic calming measures would be important additions on North Street/High Street, the council decided that implementing a speed limit change first would lead to more "appropriate" and "cost effective" traffic calming designs.

Cambridgeshire County Council Record of Executive Decision notice stated: "There will be a small minority who will break the speed limit, but it is believed that the majority of road users will adhere to the proposed limit. Any issues in respect of speeding should be reported to the Police in the normal manner by residents."

There were 10 representations to the County Council during the statutory consultation period. Four of the representations were were objections.

Five of the these representations were "largely supportive" of the proposals; however, enforcement of the restriction was raised as a concern by both camps. The final representation raised concerns about there being a lack of traffic data to support the proposal.

Stilton is one of 13 areas across the county where 20mph schemes are being considered in a bid to cut pollution and accidents. Either a 20mph limit or a 20mph zone will be installed depending on local circumstances.

A 20mph limit normally covers individual or a small number of streets and requires signs only. Whereas 20mph zones typically cover wider areas and require both signs and markings.


  1. ^ Cambridgeshire (
  2. ^ Cambridgeshire County Council (
  3. ^