Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit Project Notice of Construction and …
As part of the Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, crews and equipment will be closing Woodroffe Avenue at Richmond Road to remove the temporary bridge that allowed the tunnel to be excavated below. Woodroffe Avenue will be reinstated to its original configuration during the closure following the removal of the temporary bridge. What: The removal of the temporary bridge and the reinstatement of Woodroffe Avenue over the cut & cover tunnel.
Activities include the removal of the steel decking, the demolition of abutments, hydro-vac operations related to utilities, waterproofing, followed by backfilling of the cut & cover tunnel, and road construction prior to re-opening for general traffic. When: As soon as Friday, May 26 for approximately three weeks. Work will be occurring day and night, on weekdays and weekends.
No hydro vac or rock breaking will occur between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Why: Woodroffe Avenue must be closed to allow for the removal of the temporary bridge currently supporting the roadway between Byron Avenue and Richmond Road. Day and night construction is necessary to complete critical project work that is time sensitive, and to limit the traffic impacts of the closure.
Pedestrian connectivity will be maintained throughout the closure. Where: Woodroffe Avenue, between Richmond Road and Knightsbridge Road. Byron Avenue, between Compton Avenue and Lockhart Avenue.
The construction work outlined in this notice is subject to change.Work may be delayed or extended due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Anticipated Impacts Traffic will be detoured to Carling Avenue to the west (via Croydon Avenue) or to the east (via Churchill Avenue) as alternative north-south routes.
Pedestrian mobility will be maintained with posted signage, fenced routes, and a temporary sidewalk to the east side of the Richmond/Woodroffe intersection.Within the closure area, access to 150 Woodroffe Avenue (Hulse Playfair McGarry Funeral Chapel) will be maintained on Woodroffe Avenue, just past the closure signage. All access to 153 Woodroffe Avenue (Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church) will be via the Knightsbridge entrance only, as the Byron Avenue access will be closed and barreled off. Motorists should adhere to traffic control signage, posted speed limits, allow for added travel time and use extra caution when moving through active construction corridors as traffic patterns change.Pedestrians and cyclists should use extra caution and adhere to posted signage when localized detours are in-place, to ensure safety.
Excavators, wheel loaders, bulldozers, graders, compactors, and asphalt pavers will be used for construction and road rehabilitation. This includes storm sewer, catch basin, traffic signal and street light installation as well as paving and line painting. During bridge removal and demolition, specialty equipment such as large cranes and hydraulic breakers will also be used.
Noise from equipment will be audible and some equipment may cause vibrations. Trucks will deliver granular material, asphalt, and concrete to the site and will haul away excavated material. Noise from equipment and moving of material will be audible.
All construction vehicles and equipment will be equipped with broadband back-up alarms. Trucks use approved haul routes and workers and contractors park in designated parking areas. Site lighting and generators will be used to power lights which are a safety requirement for overnight work.
Crews will place and/or direct the light away from residences to mitigate any impacts.Construction fencing with barriers will be in place around the work area. Ward 7 Night Work Summary Distribution List A weekly summary of nightwork providing greater detail as to type and location of activities, is shared at the outset of each week.
If you would like to receive the Ward 7 Weekly night work summary, please email [email protected] to be added to the distribution list. Future work is required in this area. Additional construction updates, such as changes to work sequencing and the duration or impact of this work will be communicated via the Stage 2 project e-newsletter.
To receive these electronic updates please sign up at and select updates for "Sherbourne Station" and/or "New Orchard Station".
For other accommodations, or any questions, please contact:
Damon BerlinStakeholder Relations,Rail Construction Program,City of [email protected]/stage2