RTD’s new service changes, including discontinuing C and F lines, go into effect Sunday
Several changes to the Regional Transportation District's services will go into effect Sunday. The changes, including eliminating the C and F lines, are the first to support the RTD's long-term system optimization plan which "prioritizes a regionally focused, high-quality transit network." The C-Line ran from Union Station to Littleton, while the F-Line ran from the downtown Central Business District loop to Lone Tree.
The two lines were suspended in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The C-Line will now be consolidated with the D-Line, which runs from the 18th and California Station to Littleton, and the F line will be consolidated with the E line, which runs from Union Station to RidgeGate-Parkway Station in Lone Tree. Among other major changes to RTD's service, bus Route 30 has expanded weekday hours; Route 12 will split into two routes; and Route 76 will be rerouted between Interstate 70 and Olde Town Arvada Station to add two new stops and serve all existing stops.
RTD adjusts its schedule three times a year to address ridership changes and activities such as traffic patterns, economic factors and customer feedback that affect its system.
Additionally, changes are being made to adhere to the collective bargaining agreement between RTD leadership and the Amalgamated Transit Union 1001, which ensures appropriate time for operator breaks.